

时间:2009-11-07 08:02:56



[00:00.00]Modale6   Unit1
[00:11.00]1. Listen, point and find "l've got…"
[00:23.75]Hi, Daming. Look. I've got a new kite!
[00:30.51]It's great.
[00:32.42]I've got a computer game.
[00:37.51]Can I play with you kite?
[00:41.12]Yes. Can I play with your computer game?
[00:45.64]Be careful! The tree!
[00:50.29]I'm sorry.
[00:53.50]Don't worry. Let's fix it.
[00:56.24]Now we've got a jigsaw1 puzzle!
[01:01.57]2.Listen and say.
[01:13.12]I've got a new kite.
[01:16.38]]I've got a computer game.
[01:20.04]Now we've got a jigsaw puzzle!
[01:24.58]Module6   Unit2
[01:42.74]1.Listen and repeat.
[01:57.79]Li jie has got a pet. It's a mouse.
[02:02.85]Shanshan has got a pet, too it's a fish.
[02:09.62]This is wang fei. He's got a pet dog.
[02:15.78]And this is tingting. She's got a pet cat.
[02:21.66]3.Listen and say. Then chant.
[02:35.72]I've got  a dog.
[02:38.67]You've got a cat.
[02:40.94]He's got a mouse!
[02:43.29]Look at that!
[02:45.33]I've got a rabbit.
[02:47.58]You've got a smake.
[02:50.00]She's got a duck.
[02:52.02]There in the lake!



1 jigsaw q3Gxa     
  • A jigsaw puzzle can keep me absorbed for hours.一副拼图就能让我沉醉几个小时。
  • Tom likes to work on jigsaw puzzles,too.汤姆也喜欢玩拼图游戏。

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