
新课标小学英语第八册 MODULE 4

时间:2009-11-09 03:03:02



[00:00.00]MODULE 4 MUSIC
[00:06.58]Unit 1 I Love this music.
[00:13.74]1.Listen and point.
[00:24.40]This yoghurt is very nice.
[00:30.35]Mmm.I love yoghurt.I love this music.What is it,Lingling?
[00:39.00]It's classical music.
[00:43.36]I prefer traditional Chinese music.My father can play the Zither.
[00:51.72]Let's pretend to play music.Look.I'm playing the violin.
[01:00.87]Look.I'm playing the zither.
[01:06.93]And I'm playing the flute1.
[01:12.88]I like rock music.I'm playing the drums.
[01:19.86]Stop it!Stop it!
[01:25.32]I'm sorry.
[01:29.44]Unit 2 I am the music man.
[01:37.99]1.Listen and repeat.
[01:46.92]sky                  school               small                smile
[02:07.06]speak                spell                stand                star
[02:30.23]2.Sing and do the actions.
[05:09.71]Unit 3 What music do you like?
[05:17.44]1.Listen to the music,point and say.
[06:22.17]Word List
[06:27.00]classical music      drum                 guitar               pop music
[06:38.58]古典乐               鼓                   吉他                 流行乐
[06:50.15]rock music           traditional music    violin               yoghurt
[07:02.23]摇滚乐               传统乐                小提琴              酸奶




1 flute hj9xH     
  • He took out his flute, and blew at it.他拿出笛子吹了起来。
  • There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.有很多供长笛演奏的曲目。

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