

时间:2009-11-30 05:10:10



[00:04.70]2  While you read
[00:10.66]1.The white van
[00:15.70]The typical white van driver
[00:19.67]is usually in his twenties and makes deliveries1 for a living.
[00:25.52]He only ever drivers in second gear2 because (a)
[00:31.56]he's too lazy to change it and (b) because the van makes more noise that way!
[00:39.21]He is completely antisocial,whistling at women swearing at everyone else.
[00:46.05]and cutting in front of everybody when he drives.
[00:51.10]2.The second-hand3 French car
[00:56.74]Typical drivers of anything old and French in the UK tend to be old hippies.
[01:04.78]who have Greenpeace and Save The Whales stickers in the windows.
[01:10.82]In the back of the car.
[01:14.27]there are always piles of old papers and bottles and clothes
[01:20.54]that they always mean to take to the recycling centre.
[01:25.50]but never quite seem to get round to!
[01:29.76]3.The customised saloon car
[01:34.51]The typical driver of this kind of car is still in his teens.
[01:41.46]tends to have terrible spots and has only just started shaving,
[01:47.83]but his parents have bought him a car.
[01:52.80]It may only be a pathetic4 little Ford5 Escort6 or something like that,
[01:59.56]but he drivers it as if it's a Formula7 One car,
[02:04.92]racing up and down the local high street with his friends.
[02:10.77]all of whom spend most of their time and money
[02:15.81]buying new lights and bigger wheels for their precious cars-
[02:21.37]which they call' motors'or my wheels'.
[02:27.25]4.The car  with tinted8 windows
[02:32.11]There are some cars that you feel before you see.
[02:37.57]as the bass9 from their car stereos10 is so unbelievably loud
[02:44.52]that your windows start to shake
[02:48.78]and things fall from your shelves as they make their way up the road towards you.
[02:55.15]When you do finally see them.
[02:59.51]they're nearly always the same-BMWs or Mercedes.
[03:05.99]which are either open-topped or have tinted windows,
[03:11.45]and are driven by macho men wearing sunglasses.
[03:17.09]gold chains and designer sportswear.
[03:21.95]5.The big Harley Davidson
[03:26.63]The typical Harley rider is usually in his mid-forties.
[03:32.79]He's going bald and he's getting increasingly11 fat.
[03:38.15]Women have stopped looking at him (if they ever did)
[03:43.71]He wakes up one morning and suddenly realises I'm going to diel!
[03:49.88]but instead of spending more time with his wife and kids.
[03:55.65]he buys a twenty-thousand-pound Harley Davidson-customised,of course-
[04:02.60]and then he rides around,desperately trying to pretend he's still young.
[04:08.84]Of course,he usually only goes round town at 30 kph.
[04:15.37]just in case he gets too excited and has a heart attack!
[04:20.83]6.The people carrier
[04:25.51]People carriers12 are usually driven by middle-class mums,
[04:31.26]who use them to take their kids on their eight-minute drive to school.
[04:37.29]They tend to have a sticker in the back window saying Baby on Board!
[04:43.64]no matter how old the children are.The funny thing is,
[04:49.70]these kinds of drivers say that the only reason they drive their kids to school
[04:56.25]is because there are so many cars on the roads these days
[05:01.51]that they're worried their children would get hit by one if they let them walk!
[05:07.25]Comparatives and superlatives
[05:21.41]When do you want to eat,then?
[05:26.14]The sooner.the better,I'm starving.
[05:31.28]Where were you thinking of going?Did you have anywhere special in mind?
[05:37.53]Well,I was thinking of this place just round the corner,actually.
[05:43.69]it's one of the best places to eat in town,
[05:48.42]but it depends on how much you want to spend.It is quite expensive.
[05:54.98]Well,I'm a bit short of money at the the cheaper,the better,to be honest.
[06:05.37]in that case.there's a nice little cafe on the other side of town we could go to,
[06:11.54]but we will have to get a bus.Is that going to take a long time.
[06:17.99] shouldn't be too bad.There's a bus that goes straight there now.
[06:24.16]almost non-stop.It's much better than it used to be.
[06:29.43]You used to have to go a really roundabout way.
[06:34.61] shall we go,then?
[06:38.97]Yeah,Let me just get my things together and then we'll be off.
[06:58.46]Journey 1
[07:05.69]Oh,there you are,Hi,How are you?
[07:11.86]Fine,fine,How're you?How was your journey?
[07:17.13]Terrible!Really,it was just awful!
[07:22.10]Really?Because you're here on time.Yeah,well,
[07:27.14]that wasn't the problem,It's actually quite a fast line.
[07:33.41]No.the thing was,it was just so crowded that I had to stand up all the way here.
[07:41.77]Oh,no,poor you.That's two hours,isn't it?
[07:47.51]Two and a half actually
[07:51.67]and it felt like much longer because I was stuck next to about seventy football fans
[07:59.03]all smoking and drinking and shouting at everyone who walked past.It was horrible.
[08:06.61]Oh,no.That must've been the big game that was on in Coventry today.
[08:12.77]Yeah,maybe.I didn't really ask them too much about which club they supported!
[08:20.22]Journey  2
[08:23.27]Oh,there you are!I was starting to get worried about you!
[08:30.72]I thought you might've missed the flight or something.
[08:35.87]How are you?Come in.Come in.
[08:40.41] caught the flight OK,
[08:44.64]it was just that it was delayed by about two hours before take-off because of the weather.
[08:52.30]Oh,dear!Was it a bit of a bumpy13 flight,then?
[08:57.47]Yeah,It was awful!I really thought we were going to crash at one point.
[09:03.82]Oh,no.I must say,I hate flying at the best of times,
[09:10.09]let alone when it gets like that.I know!
[09:14.95]Anywaywe got here in one piece,
[09:19.31]but then they managed to lose one of our bags somehow,so
[09:24.77]we had to wait around for an hour or so while they tried to locate it.
[09:30.51]And did they find it?Yeah-on board a flight to Peru!
[09:36.47]They're not going to be able to return it until Tuesday or Wednesday.they said!
[09:43.03]So how did you get from Gatwick to here?Did you get the train?
[09:50.11]No.we were so tired and fed up once we got in that we decided14 to take a cab15.
[09:57.55]It was fifty pounds.Does that sound about right?
[10:03.30]Fifty pounds?!That's twice the price it should've been.I'm afraid.
[10:10.35]I hope you got their number.



1 deliveries 6fc31b6b9cd717cc0dcb81152308f8af     
投递( delivery的名词复数 ); [法律](正式)交付; 分娩; 表演
  • Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting. 由于削减成本,邮件的递送可能会延迟。
  • We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers. 我们已创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速将货物送达顾客。
2 gear gear     
  • We have to gear our lives to the new changes.我们必须使自己的生活适应新的变化。
  • The teeth of the wheel gear into each other.齿轮互相啮合。
3 second-hand second-hand     
  • I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
  • They will put all these second-hand goods up for sale.他们将把这些旧货全部公开出售。
4 pathetic VvqyY     
  • The animal gave a pathetic little whimper.这只动物低声哀叫,令人怜悯。
  • I refused to go along with their pathetic charade.我拒不跟他们摆出那副可悲的装模作样的姿态。
5 Ford KiIxx     
  • They were guarding the bridge,so we forded the river.他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河。
  • If you decide to ford a stream,be extremely careful.如果已决定要涉过小溪,必须极度小心。
6 escort 0i7zg     
  • The prisoner was taken under escort to the jail.罪犯被押送到监狱。
  • Her escort to the party was a tall young man.陪同她参加晚会的是一位高个子男青年。
7 formula g6gys     
  • His father is acting on his formula.他的父亲总是按他的原则办事。
  • Here are some applications of Taylor's formula.下面举例说明泰乐定理的应用。
8 tinted tinted     
adj. 带色彩的 动词tint的过去式和过去分词
  • a pair of glasses with tinted lenses 一副有色镜片眼镜
  • a rose-tinted vision of the world 对世界的理想化看法
9 bass APUyY     
  • He answered my question in a surprisingly deep bass.他用一种低得出奇的声音回答我的问题。
  • The bass was to give a concert in the park.那位男低音歌唱家将在公园中举行音乐会。
10 stereos ecf197cb828d8a218cb4334fdea84306     
立体声( stereo的名词复数 ); 立体声音响器材
  • Stereos have been the ordinary household products. 立体声音响装置已经成为普遍家庭用品。
  • What do you do when you're not buying stereos?Finance revolutions? 你不买音响的时候都干些什么?融资革命吗?
11 increasingly z8ix8     
  • Rivers are being increasingly made use of by man. 河流正在日益为人类所利用。
  • I find it increasingly difficult to live within my income.我发现靠收入过日子越来越难了。
12 carriers b6b0216b599f49e6af80a5b55a909734     
(自身不受感染而传播疾病的)带菌者( carrier的名词复数 ); (尤指经营空运的)运输公司; 搬运人; 军输车
  • Mosquitoes are carriers of disease. 蚊子是疾病的传播媒介。
  • The chair carriers arrived at the crack of dawn. 轿是一早就到了。
13 bumpy 2sIz7     
  • I think we've a bumpy road ahead of us.我觉得我们将要面临一段困难时期。
  • The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track.铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条崎岖不平的小径。
14 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
15 cab ExWzHt     
  • The cab drove over his legs.马车从他腿上碾过。
  • Shall we walk or take a cab?我们步行还是坐出租车?

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