
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT4 Running after a cat

时间:2010-03-17 06:11:37



[00:02.95]UNIT 4 Liu Hong is running after her cat.
[00:07.24]1 Listen and write.
[00:10.47]Hu Shan is sick.
[00:12.38]His friend is with him.
[00:14.27]It's a lovely day, Hu Shan.
[00:16.37]Yes, but I'm sick!
[00:18.48]Tell me what's happening outside.
[00:21.22]Gu Ming and Zhang Hai are playing football.
[00:24.79]Lucky them!
[00:26.37]Wei Gang1 is climbing a tree.
[00:29.23]I hope he doesn't fall.
[00:31.34]Wei Ming is eating an apple,
[00:34.25]and Feifei is drawing a picture.
[00:37.45]Oh, and Liu Hong is running after her cat,
[00:41.91]and the cat is running after a dog...
[00:45.24]Wait! The cat is running after the dog?
[00:49.22]Yes, it's a very big cat
[00:52.30]and the dog is very small!



1 gang LhQxI     
  • The gang live abroad,beyond reach of the British police.这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及。
  • Some gang came in and shot the place up.有股匪帮进来对这个地方开枪扫射。

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