
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT2 Lovely time

时间:2010-03-17 06:38:04



[00:02.99]Module 6 THE CLOTHES WE WEAR
[00:07.70]UNIT 2  We're having a lovely time!
[00:11.82]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:16.76]Dear Jenny,
[00:18.67]Today is Sunday and we're having a lovely time!
[00:22.84]It's very hot today and I'm on the beach.
[00:26.48]We usually go to the beach at the weekends.
[00:29.93]My father is swimming and I'm writing to you.
[00:33.83]I'm also drinking bottle of Coke.
[00:35.78]It's very nice.
[00:38.57]My mother is shopping with my sister, Ally1.
[00:42.42]They're buying some presents
[00:43.31]for my grandparents.
[00:45.30]I love the weekends!
[00:47.82]During the week, Ally and I go to school.
[00:50.94]My mother does the washing2 and cooking.
[00:53.45]My father goes to his office.
[00:56.05]Weekends are much nicer!
[00:58.41]See you soon!  Sally
[01:05.48]3 Pronunciation
[01:08.83]A Listen and say.
[01:12.92]We're having a lovely time.
[01:16.23]I'm on the beach.
[01:18.43]My mother is shopping with my sister.
[01:21.31]They're buying some presents.
[01:23.93]During the week, my sister and I go to school.
[01:28.33]My mother does the washing and cooking.
[01:32.49]B Listen and put the words
[01:35.24]in the correct column3.
[01:37.72]bed brother head pen mother bus
[01:49.05]ball door girl   shirt work sport



1 ally yLryo     
  • In that war England was not an ally,she was neutral.在那场战争中,英国不同任何一国结盟,保持中立。
  • She felt she needed an ally so badly.她感到她极需一个支持者。
2 washing IeKzjA     
  • A washing machine is run by a small electric motor.洗衣机由一台小电动机驱动。
  • She hung the washing on the line to dry.她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。
3 column lWPyR     
  • I often read his column in the local paper.我经常在当地的报纸上看到他的专栏文章。
  • A column of soldiers marched down the highway.一个士兵纵队沿着公路行进。

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