
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT1 My jacket

时间:2010-03-17 06:40:49



[00:03.19]Module 7 LOST AND FOUND
[00:07.60]UNIT 1 I can't find my jacket!
[00:12.36]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:17.23]Hi, Wei Gang1.What are you doing?
[00:19.56]I'm looking for my jacket.I can't find it!
[00:23.69]Is that so?What does it look like?
[00:26.34]It's a blue one.
[00:28.07]Is this it?
[00:29.14]Yes, thank you!
[00:31.80]What's the matter?
[00:33.24]I can't find my pen.
[00:34.99]Really? Oh, dear! What does it looks like?
[00:39.31]It's a red one.
[00:40.63]Is this it?
[00:41.65]Yes, thank you!
[00:44.69]What's the matter, Feifei?
[00:46.62]I can't find my school bag.
[00:49.26]What does it look like?
[00:51.19]It looks like your bag, but it's small.
[00:54.54]So it's a small green one.Is this it?
[00:58.09]Yes, thank you!That's great!
[01:05.57]2 Pronunciation
[01:08.14]A Listen and say.
[01:11.71]What does it look like?
[01:14.00]It's a small green one.
[01:16.81]It's a red one.It's a blue one.
[01:21.42]Is this it?
[01:23.19]It looks like your bag,but it's small.
[01:27.46]Is that so?
[01:29.76]Really? Oh, dear!
[01:32.43]That's great!
[01:34.76]B listen and say.
[01:39.64]park pen picture pig stop map cup
[01:50.71]bike bus book box job baby table



1 gang LhQxI     
  • The gang live abroad,beyond reach of the British police.这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及。
  • Some gang came in and shot the place up.有股匪帮进来对这个地方开枪扫射。

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