
新标准初中英语七年级(下):UNIT1-1 My birthday party

时间:2010-03-17 06:49:46



[00:03.12]Module 9 CUSTOMS1
[00:06.97]UNIT 1 Would you like to come
[00:09.84]to my birthday party?
[00:12.52]1 Listen and read. Then say.
[00:16.71]It's my birthday on Saturday.
[00:19.38]Really? Let's have a party!
[00:21.95]That's a good idea.
[00:24.35]What's the date on Saturday?
[00:26.54]It's May 21st.
[00:28.95]Great. Let's ask people to come to the party
[00:31.19]that day. OK!
[00:34.43]Would you like to come to my birthday party?
[00:36.90]Yes, I'd love to.
[00:38.52]When is it?
[00:40.10]It's on Saturday, May 21st.
[00:43.01]Oh, I'm sorry. I can't come.
[00:45.65]It's my brother's birthday, too.
[00:48.23]What a pity!
[00:50.15]It's my birthday on Saturday.
[00:52.27]Would you like to come?
[00:53.62]Oh, yes, I'd love to.
[00:55.68]I love parties!When is it?
[00:57.78]On Saturday.
[00:59.69]Is that May 22nd?
[01:02.02]No, it's May 21st.
[01:04.32]Yes, that's fine.
[01:06.77]It's my birthday on Saturday.
[01:08.61]Would you like to come?
[01:10.76]Is that the 21st?
[01:12.57]Yes, it is.
[01:14.17]Oh, I'm sorry, I can't.I'd love to,
[01:18.18]but my aunt from Canada is coming on Saturday.
[01:21.70]That's a shame.



1 customs evBzKy     
  • The customs officials turned the man over to the French police.海关官员把那个人移交给了法国警察。
  • They are collecting customs.他们正在收缴关税。

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