
新标准初中英语九年级(下):UNIT1 Graduation Ceremony

时间:2010-03-19 06:30:34



[00:03.67]Module 10 SCHOOL GRADUATION1
[00:08.02]UNIT 1 Mandy's Graduation Ceremony2
[00:13.58]1 Listen and read.Then say.
[00:19.11]Hello, Aunt Jane, Uncle Jack3.I've arrived!
[00:23.29]David, it's so nice to see you!
[00:26.41]How was the plane journey4?
[00:28.95]It was a long flight so I'm quite tired now.
[00:32.83]Are you hungry?Do you want something to eat?
[00:36.12]No, thanks. I had lunch
[00:38.33]while I was on the plane.
[00:40.20]Hi, David. Is that you, Mandy?
[00:43.19]Of course it's me!
[00:45.30]Mandy is graduating from high school next week.
[00:49.05]Yes. Mum told me about it.
[00:52.33]You did very well in the exams, I hear?
[00:56.50]Yes, she did!She's going to get a prize
[00:59.87]at the graduation ceremony
[01:02.09]and she's going to make a speech. Wow!
[01:06.24]She's the top student at her school.
[01:09.24]She has worked very hard this year
[01:11.46]and she has achieved excellent results.
[01:14.75]Mandy worked so hard for her exams
[01:18.01]that she sometimes forgot to have her meals!
[01:21.97]If I do that, my mum will be very happy with me
[01:27.34]Would you like to come to the ceremony,David?
[01:30.43]I can give you a special invitation5 card.
[01:33.59]That would be great.Do I have to wear a suit?
[01:37.77]No, a shirt and trousers will do.
[01:41.50]You'll have to wear a tie, though.
[01:44.13]That's OK. I've got one with me.
[01:46.62]Good! Let's all have a cup of coffee now.



1 graduation 7frx8     
  • Graduation from university is an event in life.大学毕业是人生中的大事。
  • He had just attended his daughter's graduation.他刚参加了女儿的毕业典礼。
2 ceremony rr9zA     
  • She promised to attend the ceremony.她答应出席这次仪式。
  • The mayor will perform the opening ceremony.市长将主持开幕式。
3 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
4 journey k3mx1     
  • She will give up this journey.她将放弃这次旅行。
  • The journey home was great fun.回家的旅程非常有趣。
5 invitation j4txA     
  • Thank you for your invitation.谢谢你的邀请。
  • You didn't send me an invitation!你没送我请帖!

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