With a partner, read the following text and make sure you understand it, then complete the tasks on the next page. DOES FOOD ADVERTISING HAVE AN EFFEC...
KEEPING ADVERTISEDRS HONEST Organizations and individuals advertise because they want to persuade people to behave in certain ways, for example to buy...
HOW ADVERTISINC WORKS Do you know how many advertisements you are exposed to in your daily life? Every day, we pass by advertisements on buses and bil...
1 Before you read the text, glance quickly through it and answer these questions. 1 What's the topic of the text? 2 What three plants are featured? 3 ...
Reading and discussing Before you read the text on page 38, have a quick glance at it. What is the text about? What do the pictures show you? What is ...
PLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES The plants in our gardens look so familiar that often we do not realize that many of them actually co...
The computers at Susan's school are all connected to each other and the school has an online notice board where students can ask questions and give th...