Now in its second season, the TV show Glee has struck a chord with audiences in the United States and elsewhere. The story revolves around the members...
A gift of friendship from Japan nearly a century ago is in full bloom here in Washington. This time each year, thousands of cherry trees display white...
Leading anti-hunger advocates are fasting to protest U.S. budget-cutting proposals that could threaten some of the world's most vulnerable people. The...
Egyptian activists have called for a protest Friday against torture, which they say continues under the nation's new army leadership. The call comes a...
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan Wednesday takes part in the final presidential debate ahead of three weeks of nationwide elections. But he will n...
Delegates attending a United Nations meeting in Bangkok on HIV/AIDS in Asia say more work is needed to reverse the epidemic, including better preventi...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that world powers have made no decision to arm Libyan rebels, but that the U.N. resolution author...
Not long ago, a VOA colleague of ours was building a cabinet, and he wanted to put wheels on it so it could be moved easily about the room. This got u...
Residents of eastern Libya under the control of opponents of leader Moammar Gadhafi are reacting with approval to President Barack Obama's remarks Mon...
Paying tribute to The Beatles is a time-honored tradition for many of today's pop and rock artists. But one recent tribute comes from a band which spe...