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1.英语听力文摘 English Digest 726 从小行星手里拯救世界
Saving the World from Asteroids Okay, so theres an asteroid heading toward the Earth. What do we do? Does our future really rest in the hands of Holly...
2.英语听力文摘 English Digest 725 猫为何有“九条命”?
Humpty Dumpty Wasnt A Cat Humpty Dumpty may have sat on a wall and had a great fall, but Humpty Dumpty wasnt a cat. How do we know this? Because, unli...
3.英语听力文摘 English Digest 724 移动的手指
The Moving Thumb Philosophers spend a lot of time pointing out that we dont really see the world and that what we really see is what our brains make o...
4.英语听力文摘 English Digest 723 我们为何不能穿墙?
Why We Cant Walk Through Walls Shadowcat! Shes one of the X-Men, and she can walk through walls! Unfortunately, however, Shadowcat cant be real. This ...
5.英语听力文摘 English Digest 722 加班坏处知多少?
Working Overtime In American culture, working hard is almost always stressed as an unmitigated good. Is it possible to work too hard, though? Of cours...
6.英语听力文摘 English Digest 721 过量补充维他命的危险
The Dangers Of Vitamin Supplements Do you take your vitamins everyday? Be careful. Just as vitamin deficiency can make you sick, so can vitamin toxici...
7.英语听力文摘 English Digest 720 吸烟的代价
The Cost Of Smoking People give all kinds of reasons for why they started smoking, but none of them are good not even supposedly altruistic ones. Whil...
8.英语听力文摘 English Digest 719 每日一个洋葱可以和医生说再见么?
Does An Onion A Day Keep The Doctor Away? Have you ever wondered why your eyes water when you chop onions? Like Tear Gas Despite what you might think,...
9.英语听力文摘 English Digest 718 静脉血管的秘密
Oy Veins! Veins are pretty important. After all, they carry blood from various parts of the body to the heart. But for all their significance, veins a...
10.英语听力文摘 English Digest 717 杂草为何容易重生?
Why Crabgrass Always Wins at Monopoly Crabgrass is an ugly, obnoxious weed that is the scourge of the perfect lawn and its perfectionist gardener. Alo...