06 Washing the Car GLOSSARY to hold up to use ones arms and hands so that something is in the air, nottouching a surface, usually so that other people...
05 Using a Guidebook GLOSSARY to buy out to buy everything in a store so that nothing is left * If she had more money, she would have bought out the s...
04 Hailing and Taking a Taxi GLOSSARY taxi / cab a car, usually painted yellow, that is driven by another person andthat one uses to go somewhere, mos...
03 Buying Car Insurance GLOSSARY quote quotation; an estimate of how much something will cost; a prediction ofthe cost of something * Theyre trying to...
02 Going to a Home Improvement Store GLOSSARY to fix up to improve something; to make something better; to repair something;to correct what is broken ...
01 Buying Car Insurance GLOSSARY quote quotation; an estimate of how much something will cost; a prediction ofthe cost of something * Theyre trying to...