1.由于人类活动 地球上的树木已经减少一半
There is good and bad news about trees. The good news is there are seven times more than we thought. Scientists thought we had 400 billion trees, but ...
Using smaller plates helps stop people overeating. Many people use a large plate and they fill it with food. This means they eat too much. Cambridge U...
The number of jobless 15-24-year-olds is very high. Over 73 million want to work but cannot find a job. Youth unemployment is coming down in rich coun...
4.夫妇养猪当宠物 遭房东驱逐
An English couple could lose their home or their pets. Clive and Rose Restall live with their 21 guinea pigs. The owners of the house say this is too ...
Many British 70-74-year-olds are working. Around 10% of them work. This is the highest figure ever. Over 250,000 have jobs. In 2005, it was just 100,0...
A pet dog helps reduce children's stress. Petting a dog really helps kids. Researchers looked at 643 young children. They found that children with a p...
7.钱不够还想买东西 新型电子设备给你好看
A new product will help us save money. It is a wristband called the Pavlok. It knows how much money we have in the bank. It gives us a small electric ...
8.玻璃滑道净高300米 你敢滑吗
A slide has opened in L.A. It is on the outside of a building, 300 metres high. It is made of 3-cm-thick glass. It cost $3.5 million to make. The slid...
9.员工一天睡够7小时 公司有奖励
A company is paying workers to sleep. Staff get $300 a year extra if they sleep more than seven hours a night. The company said workers will work bett...
A photo of Britain's Prince George made an animal charity angry. It shows him giving chocolate ice cream to his dog. The charity, the RSPCA, said Geor...