1.新鲜英语早知道 第22期:试试看 给自己买束好看的花
what do flowers symbolize? 讲鲜花的象征意义,也就是我们通常说的花语 You all know that red roses are a symbol of love, desire and passion. But do you k...
2.新鲜英语早知道 第21期:那些你从小爱喝却不知道它英文名的summer drink
背景音乐: summer-Dido 暖暖-梁静茹 推荐电影 Julie and Juliet 朱莉和朱丽叶 笔记:沁人心脾的夏日特饮。Refreshing summer drinks Refreshing 提神的,令人感...
3.新鲜英语早知道 第20期:来吧姑娘 坐下来喝一杯
In 2014, Emma Watson was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassadorand helped launch the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which calls for men to advocate ...
4.新鲜英语早知道 第19期:一起吹空调聊点儿艺术呗
This wine is good stuff. 这酒真是个好东西, or wheres all my stuff? 该死我的东西到底去哪儿了! They needed to find certain stones coming from Afghanis...
5.新鲜英语早知道 第18期:怎么全中国都在晒马甲线
Not long ago, actress yuanshanshan triggered a hashtag get out of entertainment on sina weibo. 不久前,袁姗姗在新浪微博上被贴上滚出娱乐圈的标签。 A ha...
6.新鲜英语早知道 第17期:和旧朋友一起吃的糖 还甜么
How to email with an old friend after falling out of touch. 怎样给一个失联多年的老朋友写邮件。 Fall out of touch 失联 keep in touch 保持联系 We were o...
7.新鲜英语早知道 第16期:涂色书重回成人世界 一起来不插电减压
Secret garden is an adult coloring book, which has been on the the Amazon bestselling books list recently and even been sold out now. 秘密花园是一本成...
8.新鲜英语早知道 第15期:关于毕业旅行和最近
In the restless dreams I walk alone, narrow streets of cobblestone, neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 无数不安...
9.新鲜英语早知道 第14期:北漂不是两三天
people who live and work in Beijing, while without Beijing registered residence and change their houses from time to time. 是指那些在北京工作和生活的...
10.新鲜英语早知道 第13期:被迫低下头 却恰好看到手心的宝石
Shanghai was his second stop on his spring tour. 在他的春季巡演里,上海是第二站。 my life is a song tour. 我的人生就像一场巡演。 The tour now heads to...