1.贝多芬住我家楼上 第15期:街上偶遇贝多芬
Piano Sonata Op 49, #2, Movement 贝多芬第二十钢琴奏鸣曲 Dear Uncle, As you know, Mr. Beethoven moved away soon after your visit. 亲爱的叔叔,就和你了...
2.贝多芬住我家楼上 第14期:听不见声音的贝多芬
贝多芬第九交响曲第四章 Dear Christoph, I've read your letter several times. 亲爱的Christoph,我把你的信又看了好多次。 Mr. Beethoven is famous for his ...
3.贝多芬住我家楼上 第13期:贝多芬的第九交响乐
Bass Excerpts From Symphony # 9_v 贝多芬第九交响曲低音节选 Dear Christoph, I have more news. 亲爱的Christoph,我有很多事情(要告诉你)。 I hear that M...
4.贝多芬住我家楼上 第12期:作曲家是火做的
Piano Concerto #1, MVT. 1/Pi 贝多芬第一钢琴协奏曲/第五钢琴协奏曲 But when he first came to Vienna he was more famous for his playing than for his comp...
5.贝多芬住我家楼上 第11期:熬夜很开心
Nel Cor Piu Variations 贝多芬变奏曲 根据拜谢罗歌剧主题的变奏曲6首 They were singing Italian songs. 她们唱着意大利歌曲。 When they were finished singin...
6.贝多芬住我家楼上 第10期:吵闹又开始了
Symphony #6, storm 贝多芬第六交响曲第四乐章《暴风雨》 He didn't notice when clouds began to form. 他没有注意到天边飘来的乌云。 The birds flew in circl...
7.贝多芬住我家楼上 第9期:和贝多芬一起散步
Flute Serenade, Movement 2 贝多芬长笛奏鸣曲第二乐章 Dear Uncle, Do you wonder where Mr. Beethoven goes in the afternoons? 亲爱的叔叔,你猜中午贝多芬先...
8.贝多芬住我家楼上 第8期:音乐能够改变这个世界
Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27 #2 Movement 贝多芬月光奏鸣曲第二乐章 Dear Uncle, Spring has come and gone and now it is summer. 亲爱的叔叔,春来春去,现在是...
9.贝多芬住我家楼上 第7期:不快乐的童年
Sonatina In G Major/Minuet In G 贝多芬G大调小奏鸣曲/G大调小步舞曲 Dear Christoph, I have visited the place where Beethoven was born. 亲爱的Christoph,...
10.贝多芬住我家楼上 第6期:王子的故事
/Polonaise/La Marmotte/Country Dance in a Major/Fs 波罗乃兹/土拨鼠 Dear Christoph, I've been thinking about your story about the prince. 亲爱的Christo...