1.世界小史 第186期:罗马帝国
Constantine no longer ruled the empire from Rome. 君士坦丁不再坐镇罗马进行统治。 In those days the chief threat came from the east, the Persians havin...
2.世界小史 第185期:皇位
To restore respect and dignity to the role of emperor, 为了使皇权重新获得威望和受人敬畏, he introduced new rituals and court ceremony, and magnificen...
3.世界小史 第184期:农民
Confusion and misery reigned in the years after AD 200. 这是在200年后时期里的一场可怕的大混乱和一场可怕的大灾难。 In the Roman empire there was almost...
4.世界小史 第183期:征服世界
The emperors who succeeded him spent even more time at the frontiers and even less in Rome. 以后的皇帝们更频繁地逗留在边境,更少地呆在罗马。 They were...
5.世界小史 第182期:佛祖
And yet Marcus Aurelius hated war. 不过马库斯.奥里利厄斯根本不喜欢战争。 He was a gentle, quiet man, a philosopher, who loved nothing better than read...
6.世界小史 第181期:神奇的人物
Among them were some remarkable men, one of whom was the Emperor Trajan. 其中也不乏神奇的人物,如皇帝图拉真, He lived about 100 years after Christ an...
7.世界小史 第180期:边境要塞
Among the frontier guards any number of gods were worshipped the Persian sun god Mithras, for example, and not long after, the unique and invisible go...
8.世界小史 第179期:罗马人
They built a wall, known as the Limes, along the length of the frontier from the Rhine to the Danube. 在从莱茵河到多瑙河的边境建造了一道城墙, This wa...
9.世界小史 第178期:习惯
By drawing attention to this seemingly simple, uncorrupted and natural way of life in the freedom of the forest, 以便向他们说明露天树林里的简朴、纯洁...
10.世界小史 第177期:遥远的边境
Beyond the distant frontiers all aroundwere fierce, barbarian tribes waiting to raid and pillage the rich provinces. 因为在遥远的边境的那一边到处都有...