1.小王子 第64期:最凄凉的地方
For you who also love the little prince, and for me, nothing in the universe can be the same if somewhere, 对你们这些喜欢小王子的人来说,就象对于我来...
2.小王子 第63期:五亿个铃铛
And now six years have already gone by...I have never yet told this story. 到现在,一点不错,已经有六年了我还从未讲过这个故事。 The companions who met...
3.小王子 第62期:一动也不动
He was a little discouraged. But he made one more effort: 他有些泄气了。但是他又振作起来: You know, it will be very nice. I, too, shall look at the s...
4.小王子 第61期:沉默无言
I shall not leave you, I said. 我不离开你。我说。 I shall look as if I were suffering. I shall look a little as if I were dying. 我将会象是很痛苦的样...
5.小王子 第60期:星星在笑
What are you trying to say? 你说的是什么? All men have the stars, he answered, but they are not the same things for different people. 人们眼里的星星...
6.小王子 第59期:优美的笑声
And I knew that I could not bear the thought of never hearing that laughter any more. 我觉得我的心一下子就凉了。这时我才明白:一想到再也不能听到这笑声...
7.小王子 第58期:受到惊吓
I had loosened the golden muffer that he always wore. 我解开了他一直带着的金黄色的围脖。 I had moistened his temples, and had given him some water to ...
8.小王子 第57期:一条黄蛇
Beside the well there was the ruin of an old stone wall. 在井旁边有一堵残缺的石墙。 When I came back from my work, the next evening, I saw from some d...
9.小王子 第56期:周年纪念
I don't know how to draw anything except boa constrictors from the outside and boa constrictors from the inside. 我过去只会画开着肚皮和闭着肚皮的巨蟒...
10.小王子 第55期:用心去寻找
This water was indeed a different thing from ordinary nourishment. 这水远不只是一种饮料, Its sweetness was born of the walk under the stars, the song...