1.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(7)
It is a talent we have only barely begun to grasp. 这样一种技巧,我们才刚刚开始掌握。 We have arrived at this position of eminence in a stunningly sho...
2.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(6)
In 1979, in the book The Sinking Ark, the author Norman Myers suggested that human activities were causing about two extinctions a week on the planet....
3.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(5)
Then in 1939, by happy coincidence two separate birding enthusiasts, in widely separated locations, came across lone survivors just two days apart. 接...
4.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(4)
Remarkably, Rothschild's collecting efforts were neither the most extensive nor the most generously funded of the nineteenth century. 不可思议的是,在...
5.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(3)
According to the University of Chicago paleontologist David Raup, 根据芝加哥大学古生物学家戴维.诺普的观点, the background rate of extinction on Earth...
6.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(2)
that if you wished to find all the dodos in a vicinity you had only to catch one and set it to squawking, 要是你想找到附近的所有渡渡鸟,你只要抓住其中...
7.万物简史 第644期:一个星球,一次实验(1)
30 GOOD-BYE 第三十章 一个星球,一次实验 In the early 1680s, at just about the time that Edmond Halley and his friends Christopher Wren and Robert Hook...
8.万物简史 第644期:永不安分的类人猿(18)
Each was about ten kilometers, or six miles, awaya long way to carry an armload of stone. 两座山都在大约10公里以外要用手臂抱着把石头搬到这里,实在是一...
9.万物简史 第644期:永不安分的类人猿(17)
An academic writing in Nature had noted how a paleontologist, asked by a colleague whether he thought an old skull was varnished or not, 一位学者在《...
10.万物简史 第644期:永不安分的类人猿(16)
But all of this overlooked the more or less infinite capacity for surprise offered by the ancient Mungo people of western New South Wales. 但是,在发...