1.看电影—Watching Movies
In my free time, I really enjoy watching movies with my friends or alone at my house. In most cases, I drop by a local movie rental shop and rent a fe...
My kids are taking swimming lessons now at a local swimming pool. The lessons first teach kids how to not be afraid of the water by learning how to pu...
3.网上冲浪—Surfing the Internet
In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet. When I get home from work, I turn on my computer, wait until it boots up completely, and then I g...
4.滑雪—Snow Skiing
One of my favorite things to do in my free time is snow skiing, and I have recently started snowboarding as well. Fortunately, there are about five sk...
Every weekend, I go shopping downtown with a friend, but it is more of a hobby than anything else. I usually take a little cash, but I also have a cre...
I really enjoy reading in my free, but my mood often determines what I read. I enjoy comic books; it usually is light reading, and the stories aren't ...
7.打高尔夫球—Golf Course
I've decided to take up the game of golf after playing with a friend recently. However, the sport isn't as easy as it appears. To improve my game, I'v...
One of my hobbies is photography, and I have several cameras I use to take pictures. I have a traditional film camera that takes great pictures. Film ...
9.玩电子游戏—Playing Video Games
I like to play video games in my free time. Sometimes, I play video games by myself, but I also invite friends over to play. I really like games that ...
One of my favorite hobbies is origami, or Japanese paper folding. Origami is the art of folding paper in different ways to make beautiful objects such...