1.英国学生科学读本 第116期:春之声
The voice of spring 春之声 I am coming, little maiden! 我来了,小姑娘! With the pleasant sunshine laden, 满我着暖暖的阳光, With the honey for the be...
2.英国学生科学读本 第115期:捉迷藏
Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 Now hide the flowers beneath the snow, 花朵藏在了雪中, Where Winter cannot find them; 冬天的寻找,劳而无功; Their safety nooks ...
3.英国学生科学读本 第114期:滑冰
Skating 滑冰 Over the ice so smooth and bright, 越过亮闪闪的冰面, How fast we skim along! 我们滑得飞快; This is one of the merriest sports 这世界上...
4.英国学生科学读本 第113期:雪之歌
Snow Song 雪之歌 I hear a bird chirp in the sun; 我听见一只小鸟,在阳光下啼啭, He flutters and hops to and fro; 它飞来飞去,左跳右跳; His tiny light...
5.英国学生科学读本 第112期:小虫子累了
A Tired Little Worm 小虫子累了 A tired little worm went to sleep one day, 一天有只小虫子累了, In a soft little cradle of silken grey, 用灰色的软丝把...
6.英国学生科学读本 第111期:贝贝的大世界
Babys Big World 贝贝的大世界 When the day is nearly done, And the birds have gone to rest, 白昼的终点近了,鸟儿都回巢休养, Baby likes to see the sun ...
7.英国学生科学读本 第110期:小强盗
A Little Robber 小强盗 O Robin, my Robin, so clever and merry, 知更鸟啊,聪明又快乐的家伙, Pray, why do you never peck twice at a cherry? 每颗樱桃,...
8.英国学生科学读本 第109期:雪中麻雀
The Sparrow in The Snow 雪中麻雀 He hopped down cheerily into the snow, 勇敢的小灰球赤着脚, Brave little barefoot Brownie, 欢快地跳下,落进雪里, As ...
9.英国学生科学读本 第108期:小鸟和我
Birdie and I 小鸟和我 Birdie, where are you going, dear, 亲爱的小鸟,你上哪里去, In such haste? 走得这么匆忙? Grapes are purpling far and near; 远远...
10.英国学生科学读本 第107期:铁
Iron 铁 Hid from our eyes, deep in the ground, 深深的地下,眼晴看不到的地方, Great stores of gems and gold are found, 能把金银财宝的仓库找到, Rich m...