1. au courant /ˌəʊku:ˈrɑ:ŋ/ -- well-informed; up-to-date By reading reviews, you can keep au courant with new developments in literature, films,...
2.【突破英文词汇】terpsichore, thespian, titanic
1. terpsichorean /ˌtɜ:psɪkəˈri:ən/ -- pertaining to dancing Terpsichore是传说中希腊九女神里主掌舞蹈的。忒耳普西科瑞,九位缪斯女神之一,是宙斯和...
3.【突破英文词汇】stentorian, Stygian, tantalize
1. stentorian /stenˈtɔ:ri:ən/ -- very loud Stentor是传说中一位嗓音洪亮的传令官,其音量相当于50个人的音量。斯滕托尔(Stentor),古希腊神话男性人物之...
4.【突破英文词汇】saturnine, siren, solon
1. saturnine /ˈstəˌnaɪn/ -- heavy; dull; gloomy; morose Saturn是Jupiter之父,虽然传说中他的统治期是黄金时代,可是炼丹家与天文学家把他的名字与重金...
5.【突破英文词汇】procrustean, protean, Pyrrhic
1. procrustean /prəʊˈkrʌstɪən/ -- cruel or inflexible in enforcing conformity Procrustes 是一个强盗,抓到受害者后会拉长他们的身体或砍掉腿以适合...
6.【突破英文词汇】panic, philippic, plutocratic
1. panic /ˈpnik/ -- unreasoning, sudden fright that grips a multitude Pan是恐慌之神。潘(Pan),是希腊神话里的牧神,牧神潘是众神传信者赫耳墨斯的儿子...
7.【突破英文词汇】odyssey, paean, palladium
1. odyssey /ˈɔdɪsi:/ -- any long series of wanderings or travels Odyssey是有关奥德修斯在特洛伊战争后十年流浪返乡的史诗。《奥德赛》是古希腊最重要的...
8.【突破英文词汇】mercurial, myrmidon, nemesis
1. mercurial /məˈkjʊəri:əl/ -- 1. quick; vivacious 2. changeable 3. crafty 4. eloquent Mercury是众神的使者,也是商业、魔法、辩才之神,另外还是旅...
9.【突破英文词汇】Lucullan, martial, mentor
1. Lucullan /lu:ˈkʌlən/ -- sumptuous; luxurious Lucullus是一位举办豪华宴会的罗马人。卢基乌斯李锡尼卢库鲁斯(Lucius Licinius Lucullus),罗马将军、...
10.【突破英文词汇】labyrinthine, laconic, lethe
1. labyrinthine /ˌlbəˈrɪnɪn/ -- 1. full of confusing passageways; intricate 2. complicated, like the Labyrinth Labyrinth是建筑在克里特的迷宫。迷...