1.创业成功人士访谈录 第59期:PHP团队没有任何结构(4)
This has to change. Give the guys who have been complaining over the last few years access to the code. 因此我认为是时候改革了,给那些过去几年一直抱怨...
2.创业成功人士访谈录 第58期:PHP团队没有任何结构(3)
I use it when I think its appropriate When I have an object that carries data and some methods to manipulate the data, thats OK. 只有当我认为是适当的...
3.创业成功人士访谈录 第57期:PHP团队没有任何结构(2)
Has that slowed down development of PHP 6? Its been in progress for two and a half years PHP 6的开发速度放慢了吗?已经开发了两年半的时间了 Whats slowi...
4.创业成功人士访谈录 第56期:PHP团队没有任何结构(1)
How much involvement do you have with PHP development today? 你目前在多大程度上参与了个人网页程序(PHP)的开发? A lot less now than 10 or 15 years ago...
5.创业成功人士访谈录 第55期:我非常喜欢自己的工作(5)
So talk about internationalization.Its coming late next year. 现在谈谈国际化的问题吧。掘客网的国际化应该是在明年晚些时候进行。 As a bit of a hint, are...
6.创业成功人士访谈录 第54期:我非常喜欢自己的工作(4)
When the Olympics was going on we saw a little bump there. 在奥运会期间,掘客网网站流量有所增长。 When theres big tech news or Apple events you always...
7.创业成功人士访谈录 第53期:我非常喜欢自己的工作(3)
But theres been no instance where you saw something really cool and wished youd thought of it first? 那(这些网站)是否有一些你觉得很不错而且希望是你...
8.创业成功人士访谈录 第52期:我非常喜欢自己的工作(2)
So its not like theyre really closely tied together. 由此看来,掘客视频播客和掘客 网之间并没有特别紧密的联系。 You said youre going to stay at Digg fo...
9.创业成功人士访谈录 第51期:我非常喜欢自己的工作(1)
Youre a geek hero. Youve got a huge following. 你是极客中的英雄,并拥有大量追随者。 How much do you want to be the Digg guy, especially as Digg is exp...
10.创业成功人士访谈录 第50期:我认为推特网结合了很多东西(5)
I think its tremendously powerful. I think what the Internethow the Internet has evolved over time is to more efficiently tap the most basic human des...