1.欧美名人演讲 第48期:工党影子大臣希拉里·本恩在议会关于空袭ISIS的演讲(2)
The question which confronts us in a very, very complex conflict is at its heart very simple. 尽管冲突十分复杂,我们面对的问题核心其实无比简单。 What ...
2.欧美名人演讲 第47期:工党影子大臣希拉里·本恩在议会关于空袭ISIS的演讲(1)
Thank you. Thank you very much. 谢谢。非常感谢。 Mr Speaker, before I respond to the debate, I would like to say this directly to the Prime Minister. ...
3.欧美名人演讲 第46期:《盗梦空间》女星Ellen Page出柜演讲(3)
And because maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time. 也因为,可能我能有一些影响,能给他人以希望。 Regardles...
4.欧美名人演讲 第45期:《盗梦空间》女星Ellen Page出柜演讲(2)
Now I try not to read gossip as a rule, but the other day a website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gym. 我基...
5.欧美名人演讲 第44期:《盗梦空间》女星Ellen Page出柜演讲(1)
Thank you Chad, for those kind words and for the even kinder work that you and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation do every dayespecially on behalf o...
6.欧美名人演讲 第43期:莱昂纳多气候峰会演讲(2)
To be clear, this is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car. 我想明确一点的是,我们并不只是呼吁人们换个节能...
7.欧美名人演讲 第42期:莱昂纳多气候峰会演讲(1)
Please welcome newly appointed United Nations Messenger of Peace, Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio. 请欢迎新任联合国和平大使,莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥。 Thank you, Mr....
8.欧美名人演讲 第41期:奥巴马最后一次国情咨文(22)
I see it in the Dreamer who stays up late at night to finish her science project, and the teacher who comes in early maybe it was some extra supplies ...
9.欧美名人演讲 第40期:奥巴马最后一次国情咨文(21)
So, my fellow Americans, whatever you may believe, whether you prefer one party or no party, whether you supported my agenda or fought as hard as you ...
10.欧美名人演讲 第39期:奥巴马最后一次国情咨文(20)
We've got to make it easier to vote, not harder, and modernize it for the way we live now. 我们要让投票更容易,而不是更难,我们应顺应现在的生活方式,...