B-Mac - This is a method of transmitting and scrambling television signals; the are time-multiplexed with a digital burst that contains digitized soun...
Bit - This is a contraction of the term Binary digIT, and it is a number in base 2, which means that it can only be a 0 or a 1. Bit Error Rate - The r...
补充: Backbone - A series of high-speed network connections through which other networks connect. Bandwidth - According to Webster's: a range within ...
Cache - Generally, a place to temporarily store something. Regarding computers and telecommunications, it is a place where data is temporarily stored ...
Cassegrain Antenna - An antenna that places a subreflector at the focal point to reflect energy to or from a feed located at the apex of the main refl...
City Code - Some foreign countries require you to dial a city code before the phone number you are trying to reach. Clamp - A circuit that removes the...
Compatible - When one object can be used interchangeably with another. Composite Baseband - The unclamped and unfiltered output of the satellite recei...
补充: Client - A program or computer that is used to contact and obtain data from another program or computer, referred to as the server. CLEC - Comp...
补充: CBR continuous bit rate CCIS common-channel interoffice signaling CCITT CCITT is the International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Tel...