1.生活大爆炸 第六季:第9集:停车位(下)
This is so exciting. I'm feeling all tingly. 人家好激动,都感觉有点刺痛了。 Although that could just be my newly defoliated bikini zone. Keep a lookou...
2.生活大爆炸 第六季:第9集:停车位(上)
They are not. They are, too. 他们不一样。就一样。 Your hypothesis is completely disconfirmed by all the data. 种种数据显示 你的假设完全不能成立 You're...
3.生活大爆炸 第六季:第8集:行程表(下)
Don't worry, I'm one step ahead of him. 别担心 我早就想到了 Great, what's your pl... Are we good? Yeah. Fortythree. 那好,你有什么计... 没事吧,没事,...
4.生活大爆炸 第六季:第8集:行程表(上)
What are you drawing over there? 你在画什么呢 A hypothetical containment field for a frisbeesized wormhole that could serve as a portal to a parallel ...
5.生活大爆炸 第六季:第7集:有趣的旗帜(下)
Wow, excuse me. 哎哟,我先告辞了 That was just for her benefit. 那话只是冲她说的 I'll move tomorrow. I love you. Don't leave me. Amy. Amy. Angry Amy. ...
6.生活大爆炸 第六季:第7集:有趣的旗帜(上)
Hello, I am Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 大家好,我是谢尔顿博士 Welcome to Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags. 欢迎收看由谢尔顿库珀出品的《有趣的旗帜》 Be...
7.生活大爆炸 第六季:第6集:历史课(下)
Okay, yeah, that's pretty good. Please be good. 好吧,说得真好。拜托是篇好论文 Please be good. Okay. She writes like she cooks. Play. Play. Play. Play...
8.生活大爆炸 第六季:第6集:历史课(上)
Try to keep up, Howard! I'm killing it! 跟上舞步啊,霍华德。哥舞力全开呢 Yeah, I wish we looked as cool dancing in clubs as we do right now. 真希望我...
9.生活大爆炸 第六季:第5集:宇航局官方肖像画(下)
Did I tell you about the night my retainer floated out of my mouth and into the air lock? 我有告诉过你,某晚我的牙保持器飘出我的嘴巴,飘进密封舱里吗?...
10.生活大爆炸 第六季:第5集:宇航局官方肖像画(上)
Oh, hey, Stuart, I got you a little souvenir from my trip to space. 斯图尔特,我有个太空之旅的纪念品要送你 Well, Howard, that's very nice of you. Yeah...