The Fox in the lce(在线收听

    Very early one winter morning,during a hard frost, a fox was drinking at an ice-hole, not far from the haunts of men.Meanwhile,whether by pure accident or from negligence doesn's much matter,the end of its tail got wet,and froze to the ice.No great harm was done;the fox could easily remedy it.It had only to give a tolerably hard pull,and leave about a score of its hairs behind;then it could runaway home quickly,before any one came.But how could it make upits mind to spoil its tail?Such a bushy tail as it was,so ample and golden!No;better wait a little.Surely,men are sleeping still.It's even possible that a thaw may,meanwhile,set in.In that case,it will be able to withdraw its tail easily from the ice-hole.So it Waits:it goes on waiting,but its tail only freezes all the more.It looks round;the day is already beginning to drawn.People are stirring;voices are to be heard.Our poor fox begins to rush about widly-now this way,now that.But still it cannot free itself from the hole.Luckily,a wolf comes running the way.“Dear friend,father!”cries the fox,“do save me!I am all but lost.”
    So the wolf stopped,and set to work to rescue the fox.Its method was a very simple one:it bit the tail off.Exercises:
    ① The end of the fox's tail was frozen to the ice because its tail got wet.②The fox thought that he could withdraw its tail as it get swarm.③ At the end,the fox was saved by a loss of a tail.
