
1. New York City police have spoken to the registered owner of the vehicle used as a home-made car bomb in the heart of / Times Square. Police say the crude gasoline-and-propane bomb could have sprayed shrapnel and metal parts with enough force to kill pedestrians and knock out windows.

2. The Cumberland River in Nashville is continuing to swell. Authorities and volunteers are rescuing scores of people trapped in flooded homes. The destructive line of storms claimed at least 21 lives over the weekend in Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky.

3. BP says it's going to pay all of the clean-up cost from a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Crews are still hoping to siphon away some of the oil and then lower huge concrete-and-metal boxes on top of the leaks.

4. And a close shave at a California barbershop. Take a look as a car crashes through the front window of the shop, narrowly missing two people. The driver apparently misjudged a turn and ended up in the shop.
