英伦广角 2010-02-28 媒体出“色”引争议(在线收听

Once upon a time, music videos didn’t look like this. Now sexually charged images especially of women are the norm. The new reports singles amount is the key driver of the early sexualization of children.


We are telling girls you value lives that attracting a boy at any calls. We’re telling boys you value lives of objective girl. And then we wonder why, you know, teen on teen sexual violence is so high. You know, the messages are wrong and very restrictive, and I think actually it gonna refuse children.

Other concerns highlighted by the government commission report are video games with sexual content.

Lad’s magazines and the way they depict woman and inappropriate clothing for very young girls.

Media advertisers don’t sell products. They sell identities. And at the moment you’re just selling one identity of girls. It’s this hype sexualized woman. It’s there to kind of be attractive and be sexy and ready to be tied.

Many parents would agree. Some of them say that unwanted sexual images and influence begin sipping in at a worryingly early age.
“My four year old went to supper in a nice dress for wedding. And all it was a glisten stuff, hot night top or a nurse strap, something. I thought she was just four years old.”

The report recommendation includes regulations to stop music videos with sexual poses or lyrics, being shown before the 9:oo p.m. watershed. Games consoles with parental controls already switched on. Mandatory labeling of Lad’s magazines as recognized only for those over fifteen. And guidelines for retailers children’s clothing.

But at an age of lost innocence, government regulation may have their limits. The report also stressed that it’s still parents who play a vital role in shaping their children’s attitude.
