学个词Learn a Word 第709期 Conflict of interest(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是conflict of interest。 Conflict of interest, 利益冲突。 "Since Wal-Mart is in dispute with the city, the council member sold his Wal-Mart stocks to avoid a conflict of interest," 这名市议员卖掉了跟市政府有争议的沃尔玛公司的股票,避免出现利益冲突。美国加州圣何塞市刚任命的独立警察审计长突然辞职。 "He resigned to avoid a conflict of interest because his older brother is a San Jose police officer," 他辞职是为了避免利益上的冲突,因为他哥哥就是圣何塞的警察。好的,今天我们学习的词是conflict of interest...

