听名著练听力之简爱篇 第99期(在线收听

"All right, St. John." I said softly, feeling that my heart was breaking. "If God gives me a sign that He really wants me to marry you, I will agree!"

"God has answered my prayers!" said St. John. We stood toghether in the house, waiting for a sign from God. It was completely quiet in the house, and [-----1-----]. I was almost excited.

Suddenly I heard a distant voice cry "Jane! Jane! Jane!" and nothing more! Where did it come from? It was Edward Rochester's voice, and [-----2-----]!

For a minute the whole world stood still. Then I jumped to my feet.

"Edward! I'm coming to you!" I cried. "Wait for me!" I ran into the garden crying out, "Where are you?" But there was no answer. I broke away from St. John, who was following me. He asked me many questions, but I only said, "I have received my sign from God, St. John," I said. "I will never go to India with you." I told him to leave me, and he obeyed. In my room, I thanked God fro the sign he had sent me. Then I fell asleep, [-----3-----].
