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Palestinian Pushes for Monitoring Force
David Gollust
State Department
22 Jun 2001 18:54 UTC

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, preparing for a Middle East trip next week, met Friday with senior Palestinian 1)negotiator Nabil Shaath. The Palestinian official said he pressed Mr. Powell to support a third-party 2)monitoring force to separate Israel and the Palestinians.
The United States has never supported the idea of an outside force in the Palestinian areas, in large part because of Israel's 3)adamant opposition to the idea.
But in a meeting with reporters after talks with Secretary Powell, Mr. Shaath said a monitoring force - like those 4)deployed elsewhere along Israel's borders - is a "necessity" if the current cease-fire is to take hold and open the way to new peace talks.
"If there is a 5)consolidation of that cease-fire, it will make it even more 6)imperative that we look into a 7)mechanism that is accepted and brings results," said Mr. Shaath. "Our interest is in bringing results. We have seen that in areas in which there was a third-party observer team that it worked. It works on the Egyptian borders, on the Lebanese borders, on the Syrian borders, in Hebron, and in every area where you have a third-party presence."
Secretary Powell, in what will be his second trip to the region since taking office, leaves late Tuesday on a mission that will include 8)multiple meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders and 9)consultations in Egypt and Jordan.
He says the purpose is to solidify the current cease-fire brokered by CIA director George Tenet and put the parties on a course back to peace negotiations based on the recommendations of the Mitchell committee report on the conflict issued last month.
The cease-fire is tenuous, with the Palestinians accusing Israel of failing to fully carry out terms set by Mr. Tenet for ending the 10)blockade of Palestinian areas, and Israel saying the Palestinians have reneged on promises to round up militants involved in terrorist activity.
Questioned here, Mr. Shaath said the Palestinian Authority is committed to the Tenet plan "in all its aspects" but that it cannot just make 11)indiscriminate arrests of members of radical 12)factions.
"We see that the question of arrests has to also be very much related to question of 13)legality, human rights and the proper information that will help us make arrests," he said, and "this has to be related strictly to the security requirements and not to any particular political grounds."
Mr. Shaath said he gave Secretary Powell a letter from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat thanking him for the Bush administration's increased involvement in peace efforts.

(1) negotiator[ nI`^EJFIeItE(r), -sI- ]n.谈判代表
(2) monitor[5mRnItE(r)]vt.监控v.监控
(3) adamant[5AdEmEnt]adj.坚硬的
(4) deploy[dI5plCI]v.展开, 配置
(5) consolidation[kEn9sClI`deIFEn]n.巩固, 合并
(6) imperative[Im5perEtIv]adj.命令的, 强制的, 紧急的, 必要的
(7) mechanism[5mekEnIz(E)m]n.机械装置, 机构, 机制
(8) multiple[5mQltIp(E)l]adj.多样的, 多重的n.倍数v.成倍增加
(9) consultation[kRnsEl5teIF(E)n]n.请教, 咨询, 磋商
(10) blockade[blR5keId]n.阻塞vt.封锁
(11) indiscriminate[IndIs5krImInEt]adj.不分皂白的, 不加选择的
(12) faction[5fAkF(E)n]n.派别, 小集团, 派系斗争
(13) legality[lI5^AlItI]n.合法, 墨守陈规, 法律上的义务

