142 柬埔寨通过审判原红色高棉领导法案(在线收听

142 柬埔寨通过审判原红色高棉领导法案

Cambodia Approves Law for Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Gary Thomas
11 Jul 2001 11:48 UTC

Cambodia's National Assembly has approved a law that would put some of the remaining leaders of the Khmer Rouge on trial for 1)genocide, but the trials are still some time off. The Cambodian National Assembly passed the law by an overwhelming vote of 86 to 2 after only three hours of debate.
There was little to debate. The law had first been passed in January, but was found to be 2)flawed because of language that about the death penalty, which Cambodia 3)abolished 10 years ago. The revised version, only sent by the Cabinet to the assembly two weeks ago, adds language specifying life 4)imprisonment as the maximum 5)penalty the 6)tribunal can impose.
The legislation creates a special mixed tribunal of both Cambodian and international judges and prosecutors. The law must still be approved by the Senate, again reviewed by the Constitutional Council, and 7)ratified by King Sihanouk. Its provisions are also subject to review by the United Nations, but if any further changes are introduced at that stage, the law would have to go through the entire legislative process again.
About 1.7 million people are estimated to have died in Cambodia under Khmer Rouge rule, from 1975 to 1979.
The process of bringing the Khmer Rouge leadership to justice has been a long and complicated one, full of potholes and 8)roadblocks. Creation of an international tribunal to try people for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia 9)spurred an 10)outcry for a similar tribunal to try the Khmer Rouge. But the proposal met stiff resistance from the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen. The government offered 11)amnesty to thousands of Khmer Rouge fighters - including some senior leaders - in return for their surrender.
Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot died in 1998, and his movement subsequently 12)withered away, but many of his top lieutenants are still living free in Cambodia. Some senior Khmer Rouge officials hold senior posts in the military and the government. The government fears Khmer Rouge 13)trials could spark a new civil war.
Fearing that Cambodia's justice system is too 14)vulnerable to political manipulation, the international community wanted a tribunal modeled on the court in The Hague trying Yugoslav war crimes. But Cambodia 15)balked, saying that would be an 16)infringement on Phnom Penh's 17)sovereignty.
Cambodia and the United Nations finally agreed early last year on the framework for a tribunal, but there has been little substantive progress since then - causing critics to charge the government is 18)dragging its feet. Prime Minister Hun Sen says Cambodia might hold its own Khmer Rouge trials if the United Nations insists on further changes in the proposed tribunal

(1) genocide[5dVenEsaId]n.有计划的灭种和屠杀
(2) flaw[flC:]n.缺点, 裂纹vt.使破裂, 使有缺陷, 使无效vi.变的有缺陷
(3) abolish[E5bRlIF]vt.废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等)
(4) imprisonment[Im`prIzEnmEnt]n.关押
(5) penalty[5penEltI]n.处罚, 罚款
(6) tribunal[traI5bju:n(E)l]n.法官席, 审判员席, (特等)法庭
(7) ratify[5rAtIfaI]vt.批准, 认可
(8) roadblock[`rEJdblCk]n.障碍, 障碍物
(9) spur[sp:(r)]n.踢马剌, 刺激v.鞭策, 刺激, 疾驰, 驱策
(10) outcry[5aJtkraI]n.大声疾呼
(11) amnesty[5AmnIstI]n.(尤指对反政府政治犯的)特赦
(12) wither away枯萎, 幻灭
(13) trial[5traIEl]n.试验, 考验, 审讯, 审判
(14) vulnerable[5vQlnErEb(E)l]adj.易受攻击的, 易受...的攻击
(15) balk[bC:lk]n.障碍, 梁木v.妨碍
(16) infringement[In`frIndVmEnt]n.违反, 侵害
(17) sovereignty[5sRvrIntI]n.君主, 主权, 主权国家
(18) drag one's feet v.拖着脚走, 迟缓误事, 拖拉, 不合作

