澳洲广播电台商业英语教程 Unit20:商业谈判Negot(在线收听

English For Business
第二十课:   商业谈判
Lesson 20:  Negotiating
各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听由澳大利亚澳洲广播电台和维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心AMES 联合为您编播制作的《商业英语》教程节目,我是马健媛。 我们今天要学习第二十课。在上一课中我们学习了英语商务谈判中讨价还价时可能会用到的一些句型。在这一课中,我们要学习如何冷静地处理谈判中出现的僵持局面,以及如何结束谈判。 在我们开始学习新的对话内容之前,先让我们一起来复习一遍我们
Lian:    We have concerns about the proposed transportation  arrangements.  Do all of your suppliers transport under the terms of C.I.F.?
Douglas:  No, they don’t.  Some sell on an F.O.B basis.  That is: Free on   Board.   This means that we arrange and pay shipping freight  andinsurance.  Your responsibility would be to transport the tea from the warehouse to the wharf.
Lian:    In that case, we’d prefer to go under the terms of F.O.B.
Douglas:  I see.  Harvey?
Harvey:  Here are the estimated costs, F.O.B in US dollars, per container. 
Douglas:  If you agree to a reduced price per kilo then we can agree to transport under the terms of F.O.B.
Lian:  Provided that the reduction in price is pro rata, we can go along with that.
Douglas:  Yes, that’s acceptable.  Now, let’s move on to product specifications. 
Lian:    Your purchase specifications are very detailed.  
丽安:  你们的收购要求非常具体。
Lian:    You specify moisture content, colour and flavour.  
丽安:  你们对产品的湿度、颜色和味道都提出了具体的要求。
Lian:    No buyer has ever questioned the quality of our product.
丽安:  目前为止还没有任何收购商对我们产品的质量提出过疑问。
Lian:    In fact we pride ourselves on the consistency and high grade of  our tea.  
丽安:  事实上我们为自己的茶叶产品能够保持一贯的高品质感到自豪。
Douglas:  I assure you these specifications are standard. 
道格拉斯:  我可以向你保证这些规格要求是标准的做法。
Lian:    Still, in good faith, such specifications should be unnecessary.
丽安:  虽然如此,从互信的角度来说这些规格要求都是不必要的。
Douglas:  I fully understand your concerns here.  
道格拉斯:  我非常理解您的想法。
Douglas:  But these conditions reflect standard product guarantees.  
道格拉斯:  但是这些条件保证了产品的质量标准。
Douglas:  In no way are they meant to throw doubt on the quality of your tea.
道格拉斯:  它们绝不意味着对贵公司产品的任何不信任。
Douglas:  It’s just that we need to have a mutual understanding of what  exactly is being supplied.
道格拉斯:  只是我们双方都需要对交易货物的具体情况有个相互的了解。
Douglas:  OK.   I think it would be a good idea to come back to this later.  Let’s look again at where we have agreement.
道格拉斯:  这样吧,我想把这个问题延后讨论也许是个好主意。先让我们一起来看看我们都达成了哪些协议吧。
Douglas:  I assure you these specifications are standard.  
道格拉斯:  我可以向你保证这些规格要求是标准的做法。
You don’t need to worry about that.
Let me put your mind at rest about that.
Let me reassure you that it’s standard practice.
I assure you these specifications are standard.    
You don’t need to worry about that.  
Let me put your mind at rest about that.  
Let me reassure you that it’s standard practice.  
Douglas:  I fully understand your concerns here.  
道格拉斯:  我非常理解您的想法。
I realise your position.
I appreciate your position here.
I fully understand your concerns here.   
I realise your position. 
I appreciate your position here.  
不知您是否注意到了,丽安在对话中用了 good faith这个英文词汇,意思是“互信,诚信”。这个词汇在法律和商务活动中很常用。无需赘言,一旦任何一方破坏了这种诚信,那么最终的结果很有可能就是对簿公堂。 刚才我说过,在谈判过程中善用求同存异的手法是达致圆满结局的办法之一,道格拉斯不愧是这方面的高手。让我们来听听他是怎么说的吧。
Douglas:  OK.   I think it would be a good idea to come back to this later. 
Let’s look again at where we have agreement.
道格拉斯:  这样吧,我想把这个问题延后讨论也许是个好主意。先让我们一起来看看我们都达成了哪些协议吧。 在类似的情况下,我们还可以这样说。
Let’s look at what we’ve achieved so far.
OK, a compromise would be to change the wording.
Let’s find the middle ground here.
I think it would be a good idea to come back to this later.  
Let’s look again at where we have agreement.  
Let’s look at what we’ve achieved so far. 
OK.  A compromise would be to change the wording.
Let’s find the middle ground here.   
第二十课:   商业谈判
Lesson 20:  Negotiating
Douglas:  OK.  I think we can stop at this point.  
道格拉斯:  好了,我想我们可以就此打住了。
Douglas:  We’ve made excellent progress.  
道格拉斯:  我们取得了出色的进展。
Douglas:  We’ve agreed on the terms of transportation, price and product specifications.  
道格拉斯:  我们就运输、价格及产品规格要求等事项达成了协议。
Douglas:  Does that reflect what we’ve said?
道格拉斯:  我这样说是不是包括了我们讨论过的全部内容?
Lian: Yes.
丽安:  是的。
Douglas:  Fine.  We’ll have a Memorandum of Understanding sent to your hotel for you to sign.  
道格拉斯:  那好。我们会安排将谅解备忘录送到你们的饭店,请你们签字的。
Douglas:  Our lawyers will draft a contract which will then be translated.  
道格拉斯:  我们的律师将起草一份附有译文的协议书, 
Douglas:  We’ll forward both language versions to your representative by the end of the month.
道格拉斯:  我们将在月底之前把两种语言版本的协议书送交给贵公司的法律代表。
Lian:  Fine, I’ve given Harvey all our contact details.
丽安:  好的。我已经将我们全部的联络细节交给了哈维。
Douglas:  Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming.  
道格拉斯:  这太好了。再有就是我非常感谢你们到我的公司来。
Douglas:  I hope this is the basis for a long-term business partnership.
道格拉斯:  我希望这是我们之间长期业务伙伴关系的基础。
Lian:  Yes.  It’s been a pleasure.
丽安:  是的,很高兴与您会晤。
Douglas:   Have a safe trip home.
道格拉斯:  祝你们归程一路平安。
Lok:  Thank you, goodbye.
洛克:  谢谢你,再见。
Harvey:  I’ll see you to your cab.
哈维:  我送二位上计程车。
Douglas:  OK.  I think we can stop at this point.  We’ve made excellent progress.
道格拉斯:  好了,我想我们可以就此打住了。我们取得了出色的进展。
We’ve taken a step in the right direction.
We still have a way to go, but we know we’re on the right track.
We’ve made excellent progress.  
We’ve taken a step in the right direction.   
We still have a way to go, but we know we’re on the right track.  
Douglas:  Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming.  I hope this is the basis for a long-term partnership.
道格拉斯:  这太好了。再有就是我非常感谢你们到我的公司来。我希望这是我们之间长期业务伙伴关系的基础。
Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming.  
I hope this is the basis for a long-term partnership.   
We’ve made good progress,
Good progress,
Good progress,
We’ve made good progress,
We’re on the right track.
We’ve made good progress,
Good progress,
Good progress,
We’ve made good progress,
We’re on the right track. 
