澳洲广播电台商业英语教程 Unit21:投诉与危机处理(在线收听

English For Business
第二十一课:  投诉与危机的处理
Lesson 21:  Complaints and Crises
各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听由澳大利亚澳洲广播电台和维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心AMES 联合为您编播制作的《商业英语教程》节目,我是马媛。    
第二十一课:  投诉与危机的处理
Lesson 21:  Complaints and Crises
Jeff:   Business Unit. Jeff speaking.
杰夫:  这里是业务部,我是杰夫。
Harvey:  Hi Jeff.  It’s Harvey here.  Is that M.O.U. ready yet?  
哈维:  喂,杰夫。我是哈维。谅解备忘录做好了吗?
Jeff:    The order only came in this afternoon.
杰夫:  我们今天下午才接到通知的啊!
Harvey:  Yes, but it’s urgent Jeff, we need it drawn up today.  
哈维:  的确如此。可这是一个急件,我们需要你今天就完成的。
Jeff:  Harvey, it’s Friday afternoon.  We’re just about out the door!
  I’ll have it for you first thing Monday.
杰夫:  哈维,现在是星期五的下午了。我们都快要下班了。我
Harvey:  I’m sorry but that’s just not good enough.  Monday’s too late.   As I said in my email, the Lees are leaving on Sunday.
哈维:  抱歉,这不行。星期一太晚了。我在电邮中已经说过了,李氏夫妇将在星期天离开。
Jeff:   Oh.
杰夫:  是这样啊。
Harvey:  So I’ll expect it on my desk by four.
哈维:  所以我要在四点钟以前收到这份文件。
Jeff:    Four on Monday, OK.
杰夫:  星期一四点以前,怎么样?
Harvey:  Not four on Monday, Jeff.  Four today.  
哈维:  不是星期一四点,杰夫。今天下午四点!
Harvey:   If you can’t do it, I’ll have to outsource. 
哈维:  如果你做不了,那我只好请外面的人了。
Jeff:    All right. All right. I’ll start on it now.
杰夫:  好吧,好吧。那我现在就动手。
Harvey: Thank you.
哈维:  谢谢你。
Harvey: Unbelievable!
哈维:  实在是让人难以置信。
I have a query…
Is the contract ready yet?
Have you sent that order yet?
We seem to be missing the June payment.
Could you check to see if you sent the full shipment?
I have a query…  
Is the contract ready yet?  
Have you sent that order yet? 
We seem to be missing the June payment.
Could you check to see if you sent the full shipment?
It’s very urgent.  
We needed it yesterday.
We’re waiting on that T.T.
It’s very urgent.  
We needed it yesterday. 
We’re waiting on that T.T. 
Harvey:  So I’ll expect it on my desk by four.
哈维:  所以我要在四点钟以前收到这份文件。 
We’ll need it by the weekend.
We can give you only two more days.
I’ll expect it tomorrow.  
We’ll need it by the weekend.   
We can give you only two more days.      
Harvey:   If you can’t do it, I’ll have to outsource. 
哈维:  如果你做不了,那我只好请外面的人了。
If you are unable to move on this, we’ll have to cancel the order.
I’m afraid we’ll have to look elsewhere unless you can deliver.
If you can’t do it, I’ll have to outsource.  
If you are unable to move on this, we’ll have to cancel the order. 
I’m afraid we’ll have to look elsewhere unless you can deliver.
第二十一课:  投诉与危机的处理
Lesson 21:  Complaints and Crises
Harvey:  Yes?
哈维:  喂,您好。
Kate:    Harvey, Lian Lee is on the line for you.
凯特:  哈维,丽安的电话。
Harvey:    Thanks Kate.  Put her through.  Hello Lian.
哈维:  谢谢你,凯特。请接转过来吧。丽安,你好吗?
Lian:  Harvey, I’m afraid I have some bad news.
丽安:  哈维,抱歉我有些坏消息告诉你。
Harvey:  What is it Lian?
哈维:  什么坏消息,丽安?
Lian:  It’s Lok.  He doesn’t want the deal to go ahead.
丽安:  是有关洛克的,他不想继续这项交易了。
Harvey: Why not?
哈维:  为什么?
Lian:  Well, I don’t know how to tell you this: but it’s the packaging.  
丽安:  嗯,,,我也不知道应该怎么说。原因是包装的议题。
Lian:  The Hale and Hearty colours are not auspicious in our culture.  
丽安:  “哈尔及哈迪”公司使用的颜色在我们的文化中不太吉利。
Harvey:  Oh, I see.  But these packets are going to be distributed here.  
哈维:  噢,是这样啊。不过这些包装只是用在我们当地的产品中啊。
Harvey:  You can keep your own packaging for your market.
哈维:  那些在你们那里市场上销售的产品可以保持原有的包
Lian:  I’m fine with it, Harvey. It’s Lok.  He’s so superstitious.  
  He hasn’t been able to sleep worrying about it. 
丽安:  我对此是没有问题的。可洛克这个人非常迷信。对这件事情的担心搞得他难以入睡。
Lian: And if Lok can’t sleep then something is really wrong. He slept through a hurricane once!
丽安:  如果洛克睡不着觉了,那事情可就真的不妙了。他曾经在飓风来临的时候还呼呼大睡呢。
Harvey:  First of all, thank you for calling Lian. I appreciate your concern.   
哈维:  首先我要谢谢你打电话来,丽安。感谢你对此事的关注。
Harvey:  I’m sure we can come to some arrangement.  Can I get back to you?
哈维:  我确信我们一定能够找到解决的办法。我再回电话给你,好吗?
Lian:  Sure, but we leave on Sunday.
丽安:  好吧,但是我们星期天就要回去了。
Harvey:  OK.  I’ll call you as soon as I can.
哈维:  我知道了。我会尽快回电话给你的。
Lian:  Harvey, I’m afraid I have some bad news.
丽安:  哈维,抱歉我有些坏消息告诉你。
Lian:    Well, I don’t know how to tell you this: but it’s the packaging.  
丽安:  嗯,,,我也不知道应该怎么说。原因是包装的议题。
I don’t want to cause you undue concern but there’s a matter we need to discuss.
I’m afraid something’s come up.  
There’s been a bit of a setback.

I’m afraid I have some bad news.  
I don’t know how to tell you this but...  
I don’t want to cause you undue concern. 
There’s a matter we need to discuss.  
I’m afraid something’s come up. 
There’s been a bit of a setback.  
Harvey:  First of all, thank you for calling Lian. I appreciate your concern.   
I’m sure we can come to some arrangement.  Can I get back to you?
哈维:  首先我要谢谢你打电话来,丽安。感谢你对此事的关注,我确信我们一定能够找到解决的办法。我再回电话给你,好吗?
First of all, thank you for calling.  
I appreciate your concern.     
I’m sure we can come to some arrangement.  
Can I get back to you?  
I’m afraid I have,
I’m afraid I have,
I’m afraid I have bad news.
I’ll see what I 
I’ll see what I 
I’ll see what I can do.
I’m afraid I have,
I’m afraid I have,
I’m afraid I have bad news.
I’ll see what I 
I’ll see what I 
I’ll see what I can do. 
