王强口语 第二册 Dialogue Completion 013B(在线收听

  Lesson Thirteen
  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.
  Man: A ____ ago today in _______________ after the __________, I found ______ working ____________ with a man who I'd already come to____ as my ____________, my _____. And after the earthquake I watched him ______ his ______ __________ mine. I watched him persevere for this city _______ his ____ and _______ and I realized that he was ___________________I, just a man like me, trying to save what was _______ his home. That enemy became my friend and I am very ______to _________ to you my friend, the mayor of the city of New York, Bruce Lincoln.
  Mayor: I speak to all of you who ___________ to stay here and I must say that it is______ that we are on our ____, once again _________________. We stand side-by-side, rebuilding ______________ the greatest ____ in the ______. much will never ___________. There's ______________in everyone's ______for all those who'll _______________, ___________________ever again. But we must ______the ___________  to rebuild ourselves _______, for we can ___ a new and unshakeable __________ only in our ______. We are poised now, together, ___________the immigrants of ________________ who ______ refuge here __________ little more than the _____and the ____ to _______________.
