常春藤生活英语【1】B-Boys and B-Girls Get Down 嘻哈(在线收听

B-Boys and B-Girls Get Down 嘻哈舞翻天

"I want to get down on the good foot."

With these words, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, created a new dance that spread across America in the early 1970s. This dance included spins and leg kicks that would eventually turn into breakdancing.
DJs back then noticed that during certain parts of a song, people would dance much more energetically. Therefore, DJs would buy two copies of the same record and play that special part back to back. Sometimes this would extend a beat that was only 10 seconds long to more than five minutes.
Kool DJ Herc, the founder of hip-hop, was the first one to play records like this. Whenever he started to play, Herc would yell on the microphone, "B-boys and B-girls get down." This signaled to all of the dancers that it was time for breakdancing. Soon, this special form of dancing would sweep across the world.
嘻哈乐的创始者--Kool DJ Herc,是头一个这样放唱片的人。当他开始播放时,他会拿麦克风大喊:『各位B-boy和B-girl尽情跳吧。』这示意所有跳舞的人,跳霹雳舞的时间到了。不久,这种特殊舞蹈便席卷全球。

Building Your Vocabulary

1.energetically adv. 精力充沛地
The kids ran around the park energetically.

2.extend vt. 延长
The deadline was extended one month.

3.sweep vi. 风行,迅速传播
1970s fashion is sweeping through Europe.

Phrases for Learning

1.get down   (尽情)放松∕享乐
Gary went out and got down with some old friends from college.

2.back to back   连续地,一个接一个地
Helen watched five movies back to back.

3.signal to...   向……示意
Larry signaled to the waiter for a menu.


1.godfather n. 教父
2.soul n. 灵魂乐
3.spin n. & vi. 旋转
4.beat n. 节拍,拍子
5.founder n. 创始者;创办人
6.microphone n. 麦克风

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1.the good foot 此为灵魂乐教父詹姆士?布朗的招牌舞步之一,主要是以脚步左右摇摆的动作为主。

2.breakdancing n. 霹雳舞
 breakdance vi. 跳霹雳舞
 breakdancer n. 霹雳舞者(= breaker)

3.B-boy n. 男霹雳舞者(= break boy)
 B-girl n. 女霹雳舞者(= break girl)

4.battle n. 尬舞

5.back spin n. 背部旋转动作
 head spin n. 头部旋转动作
 windmill n. 风车动作(舞者倒立用双肩在 地板上转动,双脚也持续在空中旋转,状似风车而得名)

Tips In Use

Therefore, DJs would buy two copies of the same record...

本句中的 record 为名词,表『唱片』;record 亦可作动词用,此时却有不同念法。以下为读者介绍 record 及类似单字:

1.record n. 唱片;纪录;成绩
 record vt. 将……录下;记载

2.desert n. 沙漠
 desert vt. 抛弃,遗弃

3.lead n. 铅
 lead vt. 领导;引领

4.bow n. 弓;弦乐器的弓
 bow vi. 鞠躬,欠身
