常春藤生活英语【5】The New Kid on the Block 菜鸟新(在线收听

The New Kid on the Block 菜鸟新同事

Dialogue A 
Alice and Jerry are talking in the office.
Jerry: Hey, Alice. Who's that?
Alice: Oh, that's Gordon. He's the new kid on the block. He was hired last week.
Jerry: Wow, he's so young! He probably doesn't have any experience.
Alice: Yeah, but our company needs new blood. I don't want it to become old and boring.
Jerry: That's true. Maybe this kid will breathe new life into this place.
Alice: I hope so.

杰 瑞:嘿,爱莉丝。那是谁啊?
杰 瑞:哇,他好年轻喔!他大概没什么经验吧。
杰 瑞:没错。这小子或许能为这里带来新气象。

Dialogue B 
Alice is having coffee with Gordon.

Alice: So, you're pretty new to this job. Do you think you can handle the work?
Gordon: Well, this is my first real job, but I graduated at the top of my class.
Alice: School is very different from the real world. It's a whole new ball game.
Gordon: I know. I'm a little nervous. What if I make too many mistakes?
Alice: Don't worry. We'll all help you. We hope you'll help us break new ground.
Gordon: I bet I'll learn a lot here.

高 登:这是我的第一份正式工作,但我可是班上第一名毕业的。
高 登:我知道。我有点紧张。万一我犯太多错该怎么办?
高 登:我相信我在这里一定会学到不少东西。

Building Your Vocabulary

1.the new kid on the block  菜鸟,新手
George isn't the new kid on the block anymore. He has worked here for a year already.

2.new blood  新血
Let's get some new blood on our team.

3.breathe new life into...  为……带来新气象
This vacation has breathed new life into our relationship.

4.be new to...  (某人)对……不熟悉∕尚未习惯
Ted is new to Taipei city.

5.a whole new ball game  完全不同的情况
I used to be a teacher, so being a salesman is a whole new ball game for me.

6.break new ground  开辟新的领域;作出新发现
Miles Davis broke new ground in jazz.

Tips In Use

What if I make too many mistakes?

What if...should...?  要是……的话要怎么办?
本句型乃表示对未来状况存疑的假设语气。if 子句多置助动词 should。例:

 What if it should rain?
= What might happen if it should rain?
= What could we do if it should rain?

"what if"之后亦可用现在式,故上列例句可改写成:

What if it rains?
= What may happen if it rains?
= What should we do if it rains?
