
12 Fri
Dialogue A
Three managers are gathered in a meeting to give their year-end1 reviews to their boss.
Mr. Hu: Thank you all for coming today. Who wants to go first?
Emily: I will go first, sir.
Mr. Hu: Go ahead, Emily.
Emily: I manage the expansion2 of our product in Japan. I'm happy to report that we're now second in market share3 there and still growing.
Mr. Hu: That's nice to hear, but I want numbers.
Emily: We made a profit of $20 million in Japan last year.

Dialogue B
Mr. Hu: That's excellent, Emily! You really know what you're doing. Keep up the good work. Who is next?
Lauren: While we didn't do quite as good as Japan, our sales in South Korea totaled $16 million for 2008.
Mr. Hu: Why is that number so low, Lauren? We've invested a large sum of money there.
Lauren: Obviously, our advertisements4 didn't get enough attention. Now that we've worked on promoting our product, we expect to match Japan's number in 2009, sir.

Dialogue A
埃米莉:我是负责管理我们在日本的产品拓展。我很高兴能向您报告我们目前的市占率不但位居第二,而 且还在持续成长中。

Dialogue B
萝 伦:虽然我们的业绩比不上日本,但我们2008年在韩国的销售总额还是有一千六百万元。
萝 伦:显然我们广告所受的注目有限。既然我们已经加强商品宣传,我们预计2009年能够迎头赶上日本 的业绩,老板。

Building Your Vocabulary

1. manage vt. 管理,经营
Joseph is good at managing businesses.
2. total vt. 总数为,总计达
The typhoon damage totaled $200 million.
3. invest vt. 投资
Max invested heavily in energy stocks.

Phrases for Learning

1. go ahead  进行,请做
If you want the steak, go ahead and order it.
2. make a profit (of...)  获利(……)
Chris may close his shop because it hasn't made a profit so far.
3. keep up...  保持∕继续……
Kim kept up her training after the game.

Extra Words

1. year-end a. 年终的
2. expansion n.(企业的)扩张
3. market share n. 市场占有率
4. advertisement n. 广告

Grammar Check

While we didn't do quite as good as Japan, our sales...
while 在本句中作副词连接词用,表『虽然』,等于 though 或 although,其所引导的副词子句通常置于句首,其后加逗点,再接主要子句。
While my father is retired, he still leads a very busy life.
= Though my father is retired, he still leads a very busy life.

More to Know

1. 您是否被除去重要职务而转为负责『特别企划』,专处理一些无关紧要的芝麻绿豆事?
2. 原本是公司万事通的您,一下子得从清洁的阿桑或是新进员工那才得知公司消息?
3. 公司开始发出征人启事,其职务跟您所负责的类似?
4. 最近您是否被指派一些成功机率微乎其微的任务?
5. 最近您的公司是否被其它企业收购或是并购了?
6. 公司的其它员工是否尽可能的闪躲您?
7. 您的工作内容变得比实习生还少?
8. 您的工作空间或是办公桌缩水了?
9. 最近上司要您多休息或是放长假?
