听电影学英语-当幸福来敲门 12(在线收听

  [00:02.10]- You gotta trust me, all right? - I trust you. -你要相信我 -我相信你
  [00:05.34]All right, here. Come on, come on. Keep up. 来,快点,跟上来
  [00:09.31]Dad, when’s Mom coming back? 妈妈几时会回来?
  [00:12.81]Dad, when’s Mom coming back? 爸,妈妈几时会回来?
  [00:15.22]I don’t know, Christopher. 我不知道
  [00:17.79]Dad, listen to this. 爸,你听哦
  [00:19.92]One day, a man was drowning in the water. 有一个人快淹死了
  [00:23.59]And a boat came by and said, "Do you need any help?" 一艘船经过说: “你要我救你吗?”
  [00:26.26]He said, "No, thank you. God will save me." 他说: “不用 ,上帝会救我”
  [00:28.80]Then another boat came by. Said, "Do you need any help?" 又一艘船经过说: “你要我救你吗?”
  [00:32.20]And he said, "No, thank you. God will save me." 他说: “不用 ,上帝会救我”
  [00:34.77]Then he drowned, and he went to heaven. 最后他被淹死 上了天堂
  [00:37.11]And he said, "God, why didn’t you save me?" 他说: “上帝,你为什么不救我?”
  [00:40.54]And God said, "I sent you two big boats, you dummy." 上帝说: “我派了两艘船去救你了”
  [00:45.35]Do you like it? 很好笑吧?
  [00:46.98]Yeah, that’s very funny, man. Give me your hand. 是很好笑,牵住我的手
  [00:55.72]- Thank you very much, sir. - Yes, sir. -真是谢谢你 -不客气

  [00:57.59]- You got the bill of sale here. - Yes. -这是发票 -好
  [00:59.43]All the information you’ll need. 使用手册在这
  [01:01.03]Thank you very much for your business. 真是感激不尽
  [01:02.86]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [01:07.07]One hundred, 200, 20, 40, 45, 46... 一百、两百、二十、四十 四十五、四十六
  [01:10.01]...7, 8, 9, 10. 七、八、九、十
  [01:12.24]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [01:15.68]- Hey, you want one of those? - No, it’s okay. -你要巧克力棒吗? -不用啦
  [01:18.81]Come on, you can have one. Which one? 你可以吃,哪一个?
  [01:22.02]- You like that one? How much? - Twenty-five cents. -这个吗?多少? -两毛五
  [01:39.77]This part of my life is called "Internship." 我这个人生阶段是 “实习生”
  [01:43.67]The 1200 building is Medley Industrial and Sanko Oil. 那栋大楼是麦氏工业和三光石油
  [01:47.24]The building across the street is Lee-Ray Shipping. 对面则是李雷货运公司
  [01:49.71]In a couple weeks, you’ll get call sheets... 你们会拿到一份
  [01:51.81]...with the phone numbers of employees... 电话号码清单
  [01:53.85]...from every Fortune 500 company in the financial district. 全都是全美500大企业
  [01:57.29]You will be pooling from 60 Fortune companies. 其中有60家的总部在旧金山
  [02:00.19]You will mainly be cold-calling potential clients. 你们要打给有潜力的客户
  [02:03.16]But if you have to have lunch with them, have breakfast with them... 如果你们能跟他们吃早饭、午饭

  [02:06.36]...even baby-sit for them, do whatever it takes to familiarize them... 甚至替他们带小孩 就要尽力推销我们的理财服务
  [02:09.83]...with our packages. We need you to match their needs and goals... 说服他们加入我们的
  [02:12.97]...to one of our many financial plans. In essence, you reel them in... 理财计划 只要放长线
  [02:18.11]...we’ll cook the fish. 就能钓到大鱼
  [02:21.01]Some of you are here because you know somebody. 有些人的人脉很广
  [02:23.25]Some of you are here because you think you’re somebody. 有些人自以为是大人物
  [02:25.91]There’s one guy in here who’s gonna be somebody. 不过只有一个人会被录用
  [02:28.62]That person’s gonna be the guy... 他必须创下
  [02:31.02]...who can turn this into this. 最高的业绩
  [02:33.49]Eight hundred thousand in commission dollars. 替公司赚到80万元的佣金
  [02:37.09]You, you, help me hand these out. 你们帮忙传给其他人
  [02:39.76]This is going to be your bible. 这会是你们的 “圣经”
  [02:43.03]You’ll eat with it. 吃饭睡觉
  [02:44.57]- You’ll drink with it. - It was simple. -都要抱着它 -很简单
  [02:46.47]X number of calls equals X number of prospects. 每一通电话都是一线希望
  [02:49.64]X number of prospects equals X number of customers. 每一线希望都代表一名客户
  [02:52.87]X number of customers equals X number of dollars... 每一名客户 就代表
  [02:56.18]...in the company’s pocket. - Your board exam. -替公司赚钱的机会 -你们要通过一项考试
  [02:58.55]Last year, we had an intern score a 96.4 percent on the written exam. 去年有名实习生笔试是96分
  [03:04.62]He wasn’t chosen. It’s not a simple passlfail. 他没有被录用 笔试考得高不代表成功
  [03:08.19]It’s an evaluation tool we use to separate applicants. 只是用来评估实习生的水准
  [03:11.79]Be safe, score a hundred. 考一百分比较保险
  [03:15.13]Okay, let’s take a break. Be back in 10. 休息一下,十分钟后回来
  [03:27.58]- Hey, Mr. Frohm. Chris. - Hi. 傅先生 我是克里斯
  [03:30.71]- Chris, how are you? - I’m good. How you doing? -克里斯,你好吗? -很好,你呢?
  [03:33.11]- Fine, thank you for asking. - First day in there. It was exciting. -很好,多谢关心 -第一天上课真的很兴奋
  [03:37.42]You’re not quitting on us yet, are you? 你不是要打退堂鼓吧?
  [03:39.72]No, sir. Ten-minute break. 不,现在是十分钟休息时间
  [03:41.76]Pop out, get a quick bite and then back in there for board prep. 吃完午饭就回去准备考试
  [03:44.76]Oh, man, I remember mine. 我记得我的考试
  [03:46.66]And ours were only an hour, not three like yours. 只有一小时,不像你们的三小时
  [03:49.40]We didn’t do world markets, didn’t bother with taxes... 虽然没考全球市场或税务知识
  [03:52.00]...and it was still a pain in the ass. Funny what you remember. 不过也是一样难考 我还记得

  [03:55.60]There was a beautiful girl in that class. 班上有一个大美女
  [03:57.97]I can’t remember her name, but her face was so... 我忘了名字,不过她有够
  [04:00.54]I’ve seen an old friend of mine. Do you mind? 抱歉,我看到一位老朋友 您介意吗?
  [04:03.08]- No, go ahead. - Good talking to you, sir. -去吧 -很高兴跟你聊天
  [04:35.38]Hey, asshole. Are you all right, asshole? 臭小子 你没事吧?
  [04:39.61]Are you okay? What were you thinking? 你没事吧? 你疯了吗?
  [04:42.68]What are you doing? I could’ve killed you. 我差点把你撞死
  [04:45.09]I’m trying to cross the street. 我只是想过马路
  [04:47.56]- Well, you’re all right? - Yeah, yeah. -你没事吧? -没事
  [04:51.36]- Where’s my shoe? - What? 我的鞋子呢?
  [04:53.13]- You knocked off my shoe! - I don’t know where your shoe is. -我的鞋子被你撞掉了 -我不知道在哪里
  [04:58.37]- Where’s my damn shoe? - I don’t know. -我的鞋子呢? -不知道
