听电影学英语-朱诺 01(在线收听

  [00:46.38]It started with a chair. 故事得从这椅子说起
  [00:51.42]∮I loved∮
  [00:57.70]∮It was the world to me∮
  [01:04.02]∮I cried∮
  [01:10.14]∮At the thought I was foolish and proud∮
  [01:13.18]∮And let you say good-bye∮
  [01:15.18]I’ve wanted this for a really long time. 我等这天好久了
  [01:18.26]I know. 我知道
  [01:20.26]Wizard… “巫师”
  [01:24.26]∮From my infinite sadness you came…∮
  [01:30.62]Geez, Banana, shut your friggin’ gob, okay?! 别叫了,好不好?!
  [01:32.98]This is the most magnificent discarded living room set 我还没见过这么好的家具
  [01:38.74]I’ve ever seen. 就这样被抛弃了

  [01:45.38]∮If I was a flower growing wild and free∮ ∮如果我是那自由生长的野花∮
  [01:46.90]∮All I’d want is you to be my sweet honeybee∮ ∮我只希望你来采撷我的甜蜜∮
  [01:48.58]∮And if I was a tree growing tall and green∮ ∮如果我是一棵高大茂盛的树∮
  [01:52.58]∮All I’d want is you to shade me and be my leaves∮ ∮我只希望你是为我遮荫的叶∮
  [01:56.26]"All I Want Is You" 主题曲《All I Want Is You》
  [02:09.46]∮If I was a flower growing wild and free∮ ∮如果我是那自由生长的野花∮
  [02:10.86]∮All I’d want is you to be my sweet honeybee∮ ∮我只希望你来采撷我的甜蜜∮
  [02:12.54]∮And if I was a tree growing tall and green∮ ∮如果我是一棵高大茂盛的树∮
  [02:16.82]∮All I’d want is you to shade me and be my leaves∮ ∮我只希望你是为我遮荫的叶∮
  [02:19.46]∮All I want is you, will you be my bride?∮ ∮我要的只有你,做我的新娘吧?∮
  [02:23.66]∮Take me by the hand and stand by my side?∮ ∮牵着我的手,站在我身边吧∮
  [02:27.14]∮All I want is you, will you stay with me?∮ ∮我要的只有你,和我在一起吧∮
  [02:27.66]∮Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea∮ ∮拥抱我,像海浪一样摇晃我∮
  [02:47.46]∮If you were a river and the mountains tall∮ ∮如果你是高山上的一条小河∮
  [02:48.30]∮The rumble of your water would be my call∮ ∮你潺潺的水声就是我的呼唤∮
  [02:50.30]∮If you were the winter, I know I’d be the snow∮ ∮如果你是冬天,我就是飘落的雪∮
  [02:54.86]∮Just as long as you were with me when the cold winds blow∮ ∮只要我们俩在一起,就让冷风呼啸吧∮
  [02:56.38]∮All I want is you, will you be my bride?∮ ∮我要的只有你,做我的新娘吧∮
  [02:59.66]∮Take me by the hand and stand by my side?∮ ∮牵着我的手,站在我身边吧∮
  [03:01.46]∮All I want is you, will you stay with me?∮ ∮我要的只有你,和我在一起吧∮
  [03:03.94]∮Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea∮ ∮拥抱我,像海浪一样摇晃我∮
  [03:10.50]∮If you were a wink, I’d be a nod∮ ∮如果你眨眼,我就点头∮

  [03:11.38]∮If you were a seed, well, I’d be a pod∮ ∮如果你眨眼,我就点头∮
  [03:15.38]∮If you were a floor, I’d want to be the rug∮ ∮如果你是地板,我就是地毯∮
  [03:17.22]∮And if you were a kiss, I know I’d be a hug∮ ∮如果你是吻,我就是拥抱∮
  [03:20.54]∮All I want is you, will you be my bride?∮ ∮我要的只有你,做我的新娘吧∮
  [03:23.78]∮Take me by the hand and stand by my side∮ ∮牵着我的手,站在我身边∮
  [03:25.22]∮All I want is you, will you stay with me?∮ ∮我要的只有你,和我在一起吧∮
  [03:28.98]∮Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea∮ ∮拥抱我,像海浪一样摇晃我∮
  [03:33.06]∮If you were the wood, I’d be the fire∮ ∮如果你是木材,我就是火焰∮
  [03:34.34]∮If you were the love, I’d be the desire∮ ∮如果你是爱,我就是欲∮
  [03:39.42]∮If you were a castle, I’d be your moat∮ ∮如果你是城堡,我就是你的护城河∮
  [03:40.18]∮And if you were an ocean, I’d learn to float∮ ∮如果你是大海,我就学会漂浮∮
  [03:42.10]∮All I want is you, will you be my bride?∮ ∮我要的只有你,做我的新娘吧∮
  [03:46.26]∮Take me by the hand and stand by my side∮ ∮牵着我的手,站在我身边∮
  [03:47.14]∮All I want is you, will you stay with me?∮ ∮我要的只有你,和我在一起吧∮
  [03:49.86]∮Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea∮ ∮拥抱我,像海浪一样摇晃我∮
  [04:10.86]Well, well, if it isn’t MacGuff the crime dog. 哦,看看谁又来了
  [04:16.70]The plus sign looks more like a division symbol, 上面的加号和除号似的
  [04:16.82]I think the first one was defective. 我觉得第一个有问题
  [04:18.70]so I remain unconvinced. 所以我决定再测一次
  [04:24.18]Third test today, mama bear. 你今天已经测了三次了
  [04:24.26]Your Eggo is prego, no doubt about it. 你一定中彩了
  [04:26.90]It’s really easy to tell. 这其实挺好判断的
  [04:29.22]Is your nipples real brown? 你的乳头发黑吗?
  [04:29.78]Yeah, maybe your little boyfriend’s 难不成是你小男友的精子突然变异
  [04:34.10]got mutant sperms; knocked you up twice. 让你连怀了两次?
  [04:34.58]Silencio, old man! 你给我闭嘴,老家伙!
  [04:37.86]Look, I just drank my weight in SunnyD 我刚才果汁喝多了
  [04:39.14]and I got to go pronto. 现在要去厕所,快给我!
  [04:41.06]Well, you know where the lavatory is. 好吧,你知道厕所在哪
  [04:45.70]And pay for that pee stick when you’re done. 回来记着算钱
  [04:47.58]Don’t think it’s yours just ’cause you marked it 别以为你用过就是你的了
  [04:49.98]with your urine.
