听电影学英语-朱诺 15(在线收听

  [00:02.44]l-I want things to be perfect. 我想让一切尽可能完美
  [00:04.08]I don’t want them to be shitty and broken 不想让这家变得支离破碎
  [00:07.44]like everyone else’s family. 弄到最后像很多其他人一样
  [00:10.32]Look, I’ll have the baby, 听着,等我生了孩子
  [00:12.08]and Vanessa’s going to be so happy. 凡丽莎就会万事如意了
  [00:15.40]A baby’s not going to fix everything, besides I don’t know 一个孩子不可能解决所有的问题,另外,我也不确定…
  [00:15.52]You just… 你们只要…
  [00:17.80]if I’m even ready to be a father. 自己是否准备好当爸爸了
  [00:18.08]But you’re old. 但你年纪不小了
  [00:24.32]How do you think of me? 你眼里的我是个什么样子?
  [00:26.52]You know, why are you over here? 你又为什么来这里?
  [00:33.08]I… I just like being 我… 我只不过是想…
  [00:34.44]a piece of furniture in your weird life. 来给你们这奇怪的家里添一件摆设
  [00:38.44]This? This is what my life has become. 就这样?看我现在变成个什么样子
  [00:41.24]I mean, you know, I got stuff in boxes. 我喜欢的东西都被封在箱子里
  [00:42.40]You know, I’m underground. 都不能正大光明的做回我自己

  [00:43.80]That’s appealing to you? 就这样也让你心生向往?
  [00:44.60]-Is this my fault? -No. -难道这是我的错? -不是的
  [00:47.20]Is Vanessa, like, mad at you because of me or something? 是不是因为我,凡丽莎才对你生气?
  [00:48.20]That’s got nothing to do with it. 你与此事完全无关
  [00:50.56]Vanessa and I aren’t in love anymore. 凡丽莎和我已经不再相爱了
  [00:52.76]Well, you were in love when you married her. 但至少你们结婚时是相爱的
  [00:54.88]And if you’re in love once, you can be in love again 既然你们曾经相爱,就可以重新再爱啊
  [00:56.56]like my friend, Leah, who’s been with the same guy, 就像我朋友丽雅,和同一个男生
  [00:59.12]like, four different times. 至少来回爱了四次
  [00:59.52]-You’re just not trying hard enough -I’m such an idiot. -说明你们还不够努力 -我是个白痴
  [01:01.68]I can’t believe what an idiot I am. 真不敢相信我有多白痴
  [01:03.88]No, no, you know what, Mark… 不不,知道么,马克…
  [01:05.52]Just do not divorce your wife. 千万别和你老婆离婚
  [01:07.96]Will you please just do me a solid 能不能请你帮我这一锤子
  [01:10.88]and stay with Vanessa? 和凡丽莎继续守在一起?
  [01:14.56]You’re so young. 你还太年轻
  [01:16.52]Oh, I’m not that young. Okay, I’m 16. 哦,我没那么年轻好吗,拜托,我今年都16了
  [01:18.80]All right, I’m old enough to know when someone’s 凭我的年纪已经能够分辨…
  [01:20.28]acting like a total a-hole. 某些人是不是在做蠢事
  [01:21.32]Oh, and you know what? 哦,还有件事
  [01:24.40]I bought another Sonic Youth album and it sucks! 我又买了一张“音速青年”(民谣摇滚组合)的专辑,超烂!
  [01:26.88]It’s just noise. 纯粹的噪音
  [01:33.32]Juno? What’s going on? 朱诺?发生什么事了?

  [01:33.64]Nothing. 没事
  [01:37.00]Why are you crying? 你怎么哭了?
  [01:38.48]I’m not crying, 我没在哭
  [01:41.76]I’m just allergic to fine home furnishings. 只是对精美的家居装修有些过敏
  [01:43.04]Hold on. What’s the matter? 等等,出了什么事?
  [01:45.04]What’s the matter? 出了什么事?
  [01:46.84]Just a little hormonal. 是荷尔蒙在作祟吧
  [01:48.72]Right, Juno? 对不对,朱诺?
  [01:50.80]Just part of the process. 孕期综合症的正常表现
  [01:54.08]What did you do? 你做了什么?
  [01:58.68]I didn’t do anything. 我什么也没做
  [02:01.56]Just, um… 只是,呃…
  [02:06.52]I’ve been thinking… 我一直在想…
  [02:10.20]-What? -You know, I’ve just- -想什么? -我只是想…
  [02:10.48]I’m thinking if this is the right thing. 想这样做究竟对不对
  [02:14.88]What are you talking about? 你在说什么呀?
  [02:17.56]Just wondering if it’s… 只是在犹豫…
  [02:20.12]Yeah, we’re ready. 我们当然做好准备了
  [02:20.52]just wondering if we’re ready. 犹豫我们是否已做好了准备
  [02:23.32]We’ve taken all the classes. 育儿培训班也上了
  [02:24.24]We’re ready. We’ve read the books. 我们做好准备了,相关的书都读了
  [02:25.40]We’ve have a nursery 就连托儿所都选好了
  [02:28.28]I know we’re prepared. 我知道我们都做了准备
  [02:28.92]-that is completely… -Vanessa. -那儿的条件… -凡丽莎
  [02:31.00]I’m just wondering if… 我只是怀疑…
  [02:31.64]I’m ready. 我自己是否准备好了
  [02:38.44]Wait a minute. 一会儿再说
  [02:39.72]Wait, Juno, 等等,朱诺
  [02:41.40]don’t listen to him. 别听他的
  [02:42.68]He’s just being a guy. 是男的都这样
  [02:45.92]The books all say the same thing. 书上也都这么说
  [02:46.76]"A woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant. 当身怀有孕时,一个女人就成了母亲
  [02:49.44]A man becomes a father when he sees his baby." 当孩子出生后,一个男人才成了父亲
  [02:51.08]He’s going to get there. 到时候他会转变的
  [02:52.96]-He’s… he’s going to get there -It happened so fast. -他… 他一定会转变的 -一切都来得太快了
  [02:57.40]You know, we put the ad in the paper 你想啊,我们在报纸上登了广告
  [02:58.84]and I thought that it was going to take months, if at all, 我当时还以为至少得过几个月才会有回音
  [03:01.72]and then, two weeks later, she’s on that couch. 没想到,两周之后,她就上门了
  [03:04.16]Well, she answered our prayers. 是我们诚心的祈祷在她身上应验了
  [03:05.08]Ever since then, it’s been, like, a ticking clock. 从那之后就好像有台闹钟在滴答作响
  [03:09.76]What are you saying? 你想说什么?
  [03:16.04]That it feels a little like bad timing. 我总觉得现在时机还不成熟
  [03:21.56]What would be a good time for you, Mark? 那你觉得什么时候才好,马克?
  [03:26.04]Like what? Be a rock star? 比如说?成为摇滚歌星?
  [03:26.24]There’s just some things that I still want to do. 现在我还有很多事情想做
  [03:31.24]Don’t mock me. 不许取笑我
  [03:32.72]I’m just saying that this is… 我想说,你这种梦想…

  [03:36.60]this is something that’s never going to happen. 永远都不可能成为现实
  [03:39.96]You know… 知道吗…
  [03:43.04]your shirt is stupid. 你的T恤太幼稚了
  [03:43.44]Grow up. 成熟一点
  [03:46.64]If I have to wait for you to become Kurt Cobain, 如果要让我等你成为科特·柯本(涅槃乐队主唱)之后再领孩子
  [03:48.72]I’m never going to be a mother. 那我永远也当不成母亲
  [03:53.00]I never said I’d be a good father. 我从没说过我会是个好父亲
