自考英语综合二上册课文 lesson 4(在线收听

  [00:00.00]Lesson Four Text
  [00:04.60]"Take Over, Bos'n!"Oscar Schisgall
  [00:11.26]Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men.
  [00:17.82]From the lifeboat's stern, where I'd sat most of the twenty days of our drifting,
  [00:24.16]I could'keep them all covered.
  [00:28.24]If I had to shoot at such close quarters,I wouldn't miss.
  [00:34.40]They realized that.
  [00:37.36]Nobody jumped at me.
  [00:40.59]But in the way they all glared I could see how they'd come to hate my guts.
  [00:47.75]Especially Barrett, who'd been bos'n's mate;
  [00:53.03]Barrett said in his harsh,cracked voice, "You're a fool, Snyder.
  [00:59.79]You can't hold out forever!You're half asleep now!"
  [01:06.04]I didn't answer.He was right.How long can a man stay awake?
  [01:13.20]I hadn't dared to shut my eyes in maybe seventy two hours.
  [01:19.44]Very soon now I'd doze off,
  [01:23.49]and the instant that happened they'd jump on the little water that was left.
  [01:29.86]The last canteen lay under my legs. There wasn't much in it twenty days.
  [01:37.52]Maybe a pint.Enough to give each of them a few drops.
  [01:43.58]Yet I could see in their bloodshot eyes
  [01:48.15]that they'd gladly kill me for those few drops.
  [01:52.59]As a man I didn't count any more.
  [01:57.16]I was no longer third officer of the wrecked Montala.
  [02:02.20]I was just a gun that kept them away from the water they craved.
  [02:07.76]And with their tongue swollen and their cheeks sunken, they were half crazy.
  [02:15.21]The way I judged it, we must be some two hundred miles east of Ascension.
  [02:21.79]Now that the storms were over,the Atlantic swells were long and easy,
  [02:28.92]and the morning sun was hot so hot it scorched your skin.
  [02:35.48]My own tongue was thick enough to stop my throat.
  [02:41.12]I'd have given the rest of my life for a single gulp of water.
  [02:47.37]But I was the man with the gun the only authority in the boat and I knew this:
  [02:56.12]once the water was gone we'd have nothing to look forward to but death.
  [03:02.60]As long as we could look forward to getting a drink later,
  [03:07.35]there was something to live for.
  [03:11.19]We had to make it last as long as possible.
  [03:15.63]If I'd given in to the curses, we'd have emptied the last canteen days ago.
  [03:23.68]By now we'd all be dead.
  [03:28.12]The men weren't pulling on the oars.
  [03:32.27]They'd stopped that long ago, too weak to go on.
  [03:37.31]The nine of them facing me were a pack of bearded, ragged, half-naked animals,
  [03:45.38]and I probably looked as bad as the rest.
  [03:49.51]Some sprawled over the gunwales, dozing.
  [03:54.24]The rest watched me as Barrett did, ready to spring the instant I relaxed.
  [04:02.18]When they weren't looking at my face they looked at the canteen under my legs.
  [04:08.22]Jeff Barrett was the nearest one.A constant threat.
  [04:13.65]The bos's mate was a heavy man, bald, with a scarred and brutal face.
  [04:21.38]He'd been in a hundred fights, and they'd left their marks on him.
  [04:27.55]Barrett had been able to sleep in fact, he'd slept through most of the night
  [04:34.91]and I envied him that.
  [04:38.57]His eyes wouldn't close.
  [04:42.12]They kept watching me, narrow and dangerous.
  [04:47.45]Every now and then he jeered at me in that hoarse,broken voice:
  [04:53.64]"Why don't you quit? You can't hold out!"
  [04:59.10]"Tonight," I said."We'll ration the rest of the water tonight."
  [05:05.55]"By tonight some of us'll be dead!We want it now!"
  [05:10.73]"Tonight," I said.
  [05:13.57]Couldn't he understandthat if we waited until night
  [05:18.12]the few drops wouldn't be sweated out of us so fast
  [05:23.27]But Barrett was beyond all reasoning.
  [05:27.81]His mind had already cracked with thirst.
  [05:33.17]I saw him begin to rise, a calculating look in his eyes.
  [05:39.51]I aimed the gun at his chest and he sat down again.
  [05:45.39]I'd grabbed my gun on instinct, twenty days ago,
  [05:50.54]just before running for the lifeboat.
  [05:54.77]Nothing else would have kept Barrett and the rest away from the water.
  [06:01.40]These fools couldn't they see I wanted a drink as badly as any of them?

  [06:08.46]But I was in command here that was the difference.
  [06:13.81]I was the man with the gun, the man who had to think.
  [06:19.56]Each of the others could afford to think only of himself;
  [06:24.39]I had to think of them all.
  [06:28.94]Barrett's eyes kept watching me, waiting. I hated him.
  [06:35.18]I hated him all the more because he'd slept.
  [06:39.75]As the boat rose and fell on the long swells,
  [06:45.32]I could feel sleep creeping over me like paralysis.
  [06:50.59]I bent my head.It filled my brain like a cloud.I was going, going...
  [06:58.93]Barrett stood over me,and I couldn't even lift the gun.
  [07:04.86]In a vague way I could guess what would happen.
  [07:09.71]He'd grab the water first and take his drop.
  [07:14.08]By that time the others would be screaming and tearing at him,
  [07:19.04]and he'd have to yield the canteen.
  [07:22.80]Well, there was nothing more I could do about it.
  [07:27.35]I whispered, "Takeover, bos'n. "
  [07:31.32]Then I fell face down in the bottom of the boat.
  [07:36.28]I was asleep be fore I stopped moving. . .
  [07:40.23]When a hand shook my shoulder,I could hardly raise my head. .
  [07:45.97]Jeff Barrett's hoarse voice said, "Here! Take your share o' the water!"
  [07:52.14]Somehow I propped myself up on my arms, dizzy and weak.
  [07:58.01]I looked at the men, and I thought my eyes were going.
  [08:02.98]Their figures were dim shadowy; but then I realized it wasn't because of my eyes.
  [08:11.13]It was night. The sea was black; there were stars overhead.
  [08:17.16]I'd slept the day away.
  [08:20.79]So we were in our twenty first night adrift
  [08:26.36]the night in which the tramp Croton finally picked us up
  [08:31.69]but now as I turned my head to Barrett there was no sign of any ship.
  [08:39.13]He knelt beside me, holding out the canteen,
  [08:44.17]his other hand with the gun steady on the men.
  [08:49.14]I stared at the canteen as if it were amirage.
  [08:54.31]Hadn't they finished that pint of water this morning?
  [08:58.46]When I looked up at Barrett's ugly face, it was grim.
  [09:03.19]He must have guessed my thoughts.
  [09:06.64]"You said, 'Takeover, bos'n,' didn't you?" he growled.
  [09:11.68]"I've been holding off these apes all day." He lifted the gun in his hand.
  [09:18.81]"When you're boss-man," he added,
  [09:22.47]"in command "and responsible for the rest you ,
  [09:27.75]you sure get to see things different, don't you?"
