听电影学英语-战争之王 24(在线收听

  [00:01.08]我知道他们在今天需要我 I know that just because they needed me that day
  [00:03.04]并不意味着明天会是一样的结果 didn’t mean they wouldn’t make me a scapegoat the next.
  [00:06.18]但是,我回去了 But I was back,
  [00:07.94]去做我最拿手的事 doing what I do best.
  [00:10.21]运雨伞到撒哈拉沙漠? Umbrellas to the Sahara?
  [00:11.98]遮阳伞 Sun umbrellas.
  [00:32.41]你知道是谁会继承地球? You know who’s going to inherit the Earth?
  [00:35.08]军火商 Arms dealers.
  [00:36.74]因为其他人都在忙于相互残杀 Because everyone else is too busy killing each other.
  [00:40.21]生存的秘诀在于 That’s the secret to survival.

  [00:42.51]永远不要加入战争 Never go to war.
  [00:47.34]特别与你自己 Especially with yourself.
  [01:07.66]世界上最大的军火供应商仍然是 美国 英国 俄罗斯 法国和中国
