听电影学英语-战鸽快飞 06(在线收听

  [00:05.36]In the dark of the night, 在漆黑的夜里
  [00:06.04]you’II have but a split second 你们只有一瞬间的时间
  [00:07.92]to recognise friend from foe. 来分清敌人和朋友
  [00:13.96]Friend or foe? 敌人还是朋友?
  [00:16.80]No, you idiots, it’s a pigeon. 错,你们这些笨蛋,这是一只鸽子
  [00:17.12]-Foe. -Foe. - 敌人 - 敌人
  [00:20.32]-Friend or foe? -Foe. - 朋友还是敌人? - 敌人
  [00:22.32]-Friend. -No, it’s a foe! - 朋友 - 错,这是敌人
  [00:24.48]Ah, yes, yes! Friend or foe? 嗯,好 朋友还是敌人?
  [00:32.84]-Friend. Oh, yes. - 朋友 - 嗯,好的
  [00:33.36]My friend. Now that’s a friend. 我的朋友 这次是个朋友
  [00:39.24]Ninety-nine, one hundred. 99,100
  [00:42.08]One hundred and one, one hundred and two.
  [00:46.96]To survive his mission, 为了能够完成任务幸存下来
  [00:50.80]a pigeon must have the strength 鸽子必须有很大的力气
  [00:52.64]to carry his message capsule. 来携带他的信筒
  [01:06.04]He must have the speed to fly Iike the wind. 他必须以闪电般的速度飞行
  [01:19.20]-He must have the agility -Circle! - 他必须非常敏捷 - 盘旋!
  [01:20.72]Evasive action! 躲避训练!
  [01:24.40]to out-manoeuvre the enemy. 来逃脱敌人的追捕
  [01:24.72]Figure eight! 8号阵型
  [01:32.08]And he must have the endurance 他还要有忍耐力...
  [01:33.12]to battle the elements 战胜在咆哮的大海上长时间飞行时

  [01:36.48]flying Iong distances over raging seas. 遇到的各种突发事件
  [01:46.36]-Me again. -Valiant. - 我又来了 - 瓦兰特
  [01:51.36]Oh, my favourite, how did you know? 哦,这是我最喜欢的 你怎么会知道?
  [02:07.16]The parrot says to me: "How about we do a Ioop?" 鹦鹉对我说: “我们来绕圈飞吧”
  [02:10.48]I said: "I can’t do a Ioop". 我说:“我不能绕圈飞”
  [02:17.36]He says: "Why ever not?" and I: "I’m afraid of heights". 他说: “为什么不能呢?” 我说:“我恐高啊”
  [02:20.68]"You afraid of heights? That’s ridiculous". “你恐高? 简直太可笑了”
  [02:26.88]I said: "Maybe to you, mate, not to me". 我说:“兄弟, 也许你觉得可笑,我可不这么认为”
  [02:32.28]-That’s it, that’s it. -Come on. - 好了,好了 - 快点
  [02:35.64]-Afternoon, Monty. -Hello, Guts, what news? - 下午好,种马 - 你好,高茨,有什么新闻?
  [02:39.80]Not good, I’m afraid. 恐怕是个坏新闻
  [02:42.00]We just Iost Squadron E over Belgium. 在穿过比利时,我们失去了E中队
  [02:48.32]They have to Ieave tomorrow. 他们必须明天出发
  [02:49.80]You can’t be serious. 你不是认真的吧?
  [02:51.48]They haven’t even finished their training. 他们还没有结束训练呢
  [02:54.68]-Attack formation accomplished. -Yes! - 进攻队形完成 - 太好了!
  [03:04.08]Sorry, but those are the orders. 抱歉 这就是命令
  [03:05.76]Have them ready at 1800 tomorrow, Monty. 让他们明天18:00准备好,种马
  [03:09.28]Cheers. 祝你好运
  [03:14.12]Wing Commander Gutsy is here, so... 飞行指挥官高茨刚刚来过 所以...

  [03:15.80]I suppose you’II be shipping out soon. 我猜想你们很快要出发了
  [03:19.64]I know, I can’t wait. 我知道,我希望快点出发
  [03:22.96]It’s what I’ve been waiting for. 这正是我梦寐以求的
  [03:24.92]Well, I’d Iike to be a part of what you come home to. 好吧,我希望自己是你能 平安回家后期待见到的一个人
  [03:28.60]I don’t care if you’re a hero. 我不在乎你是否能成为英雄
  [03:31.56]Just concentrate on getting back. 一定要安全回来
  [03:46.76]You need to know something, Iads. 年轻人们,你们需要了解一些事情
  [03:47.12]Our Iosses have been heavy, catastrophic. 我们的损失是非常严重的 是灾难性的
  [03:51.32]You’re all we have. 你是我们所有的希望了
  [03:54.32]And so today 因此...
  [03:56.00]we fight for our country. 今天我们要为祖国而战
  [04:01.00]Tomorrow our feathers may be plucked 也许,有一天我们的羽毛
  [04:03.36]from our Iifeless bodies, our innards spread 会被从我们的尸体上拔掉
  [04:05.88]Iike jam on toast, 我们的内脏会变得如果酱一样
  [04:09.88]and our bones fed to rabid weasels. 我们的骨头被疯釉鼠吃掉
  [04:11.56]But never mind that. 但是请不要介意
  [04:14.52]On this day, in this place, 今日,在此
  [04:19.36]Iet it forever be known 让这件事永远被人铭记:
  [04:21.76]that you pigeons did your part 那就是你们这些鸽子们 在这场英勇的战斗中
  [04:24.60]in the heroic battle for... 付出了自己的贡献,为了...
  [04:30.76]Seeds! 种子(而战)
  [04:31.60]-Freedom! -Right. - 是为了自由而战 - 对
  [04:33.44]You will be Commander Gutsy’s support wing. 你们将负责掩护指挥官高茨
  [04:37.44]I expect you to do whatever it takes 我希望你们能全力以赴
  [04:40.12]to ensure the success of his mission. 来帮助他成功完成任务
  [04:41.48]Chaps, the message we have been sent to carry 伙计们,那些我们护送的情报
  [04:46.16]is of the utmost importance. 都是非常重要的
  [04:48.40]The outcome of the war could depend on it. 战争的结果很可能 依赖于这些情报
  [04:49.56]We pigeons have never been entrusted 我们鸽子从未担任过
  [04:52.08]with a more critical or dangerous mission. 如此危险或者说重要的职责
  [04:57.24]May you fly straight. 希望你们能顺利直行
  [05:00.56]And may your instinct guide you home. 并希望你们的本能可以带领你们回家
