听电影学英语-缘分天注定 10(在线收听

  [00:00.50]- Uh, okay, take us... anywhere in New York. - Excuse me? 载我们去…纽约任何地方  什么?
  [00:05.73]Anywhere. Wherever you feel like going. 随便你  那不是目的地
  [00:07.74]- That’s not a destination, lady. - Wait. You didn’t make reservations? 你没有订房?
  [00:10.47]- Um, okay, Eve, please don’t get mad at me. - What? 不要生气  什么?
  [00:14.08]Oh, no. I cannot believe this. 离谱
  [00:16.71]I need a borough here, ladies. 小姐,你们想去哪一区?
  [00:18.21]I was gonna tell you when we got on the plane. 我本来打算在机上告诉你
  [00:20.42]You know what? That’s really sneaky of you, Sara. 鬼祟
  [00:22.88]- I’m not a bloody psychic. - Eve, wait! 我不懂心灵感应啊
  [00:25.04]Wait! 依芙,等一等!等一等!
  [00:27.44]- Eve. Eve! - You tricked me.
  [00:32.64]I knew you wouldn’t come if I told you the truth. I needed my best friend with me. 你使诡计
  [00:34.20]What are you doing, Sara? 为什么还在找他?
  [00:35.76]Honestly, Sara, I don’t understand you anymore, okay? 我真的不明白
  [00:38.44]Please, tell me something. 请给我一个原因,任何原因
  [00:42.68]Tell me anything that makes just a little bit of sense.

  [00:47.80]I’ve just spent the entire flight... 在机上,我一直…
  [00:50.32]staring into the sky, thinking. 望着天际发愣,脑海浮现的…
  [00:53.80]Not about my fiance, but about this mystery guy... 不是我的未婚夫,而是那个…
  [00:56.36]I met a million and a half hours ago. 一百万零半小时前偶遇的男人
  [00:58.88]A guy I don’t even remember, except for this... 一个在我脑海里只剩下…
  [00:63.32]vague picture I have inside my head. 依稀印象的人
  [00:65.08]It was just a few seconds. A fragment, really. 虽然相处短暂…
  [00:69.68]And it was like... 但是在那段短暂时间内…
  [00:71.24]in that moment, 整个宇宙…
  [00:74.36]the whole universe existed just to bring us together. 彷彿是为了撮合我们而设
  [00:77.92]That’s why I’m here. 我今次来纽约…
  [00:79.76]That’s why I’m gonna let fate take me wherever it wants to go. 是看看有没有缘分再见
  [00:84.40]Because when all this is over, at least I’m never gonna have to think of him ever again. 见不到,我以后就用不着再思念
  [01:29.76]Let’s just pray he’s a bald fascist... 当他已经变成光头法斯西份子
  [01:31.60]who picks his nose and wipes it under the car seat. 一个挖完鼻屎周围抹的人
  [01:41.32]- Hi. - Hi. 可以等一等吗?
  [01:44.28]Could you hold on?
  [01:60.28]Where are you going? 到哪里去?
  [01:62.60]You better be buying me one frigging big birthday cake, that’s all I gotta say. 你最好送我一个大生日蛋糕
  [01:65.44]Could I get your destination, please? 目的地  华都酒店
  [01:67.12]- The Waldorf, I guess. - Finally she gets it. 终于选到地点

  [01:71.84]Okay, we are going... that way. 我们往…
  [01:76.92]And I’m gonna follow. 那边走 我实行做跟得朋友
  [01:77.04]You can do it yourself. Just open up the computer and look into it. 查一查电脑资料吧
  [01:79.40]- I’m not even sure that I can give you this information. - If you can’t, why can’t you? 未必合规矩  为什么?
  [01:83.84]Because I’m just a temp, okay? I don’t know the rules. 我只是临时工,不敢胡来
  [02:27.76]Couple of months out of college, you’re acting like you’re part of the establishment. 刚刚毕业就染上官僚作风
  [02:28.36]No, no, no, no, no-- What about privacy law, huh? 私隐条例呢?
  [02:31.24]Forget about privacy laws. You know what privacy laws do? 私隐条例有什么用?知不知道?
  [02:34.68]- No. - They protect millionaires. Do you know who those are? 用来保障有钱佬,即是什么人?
  [02:36.24]- Who? - Tell him who they are. 告诉他吧  同你年龄相若的人
  [02:40.24]Pimple-faced college dropouts who have made unhealthy sums of money... 大学未读完就赚到满身铜臭
  [02:40.76]- Tell him. - Kids your age.
  [02:44.68]forming Internet companies that create no concrete products, 既不事生产,又不服务人群
  [02:46.88]provide no viable services and still manage to generate profits... 只搞间网上公司…
  [02:49.24]for all of its lazy, day-trading, son-of-a-bitch shareholders. 就替一群游手好闲的股东…
  [02:53.64]Meanwhile, as a tortured member of the disenfranchised proletariat, 而你这个寄人篱下的无产份子…
  [02:57.76]you find some altruistic need to protect these digital plantation owners? 觉得有需要去保护数码暴发户?
  [02:59.52]Wow. Come on. 帮帮忙吧
  [02:64.24]Come on.
  [02:68.52]- You guys want the tenant on record in 1994? - December, to be exact. 你要1994年的租客名字?
  [02:78.44]- There’s your tenant. - Sebastian Mig-non? 你的租客
  [02:79.24]No. Mignon. It’s French. 米龙?
  [02:83.44]No, we’re looking for someone named Sara. You got the right one? 应该叫莎拉,你没查错吧?
  [03:27.76]- Maybe he was her boyfriend. - Thanks. 或者是她男友
  [03:30.16]- You did the right thing. Really, you did. - Good work, pal. 你见义勇为
  [03:33.36]You got it. M-I-G-N-O-N. 写下来:米尼安,写好未?
  [03:34.88]You got it? There you go.
  [03:37.20]- Thank you so much, Sally. You gotta love her. - Where is he? 拜托你了,莎莉是个好帮手
  [03:41.44]- Brooklyn. - Okay, let’s, uh-- let’s grab a subway. 他住在哪里?  布鲁克林
  [03:43.48]Wait a minute. Wait. Aren’t you forgetting about something? 坐地铁去  你忘记了一件事
  [03:45.16]- What? - Wedding rehearsal. Bachelor party. 什么事?  婚礼彩排

  [03:48.52]- Yes. Gotta go to Brooklyn. Come on. - ( Barks ) 肯定,走吧
  [03:54.20]( Gasps ) Prada! PRADA银包,不得了
  [03:58.40]Oh, my God!
  [03:59.92]Ooh! Prada!
  [03:63.80]Ooh, I love this stuff. 我钟意呀
  [03:67.08]- That’s $20. - Twenty bucks? 每个二十块  二十块?
  [03:68.76]Eve, that’s a horrific knockoff. 冒牌冒得似模似样
  [03:69.36]At least my fake says "Prada." Yours says "Prado." 我的是“PRADA”
  [03:72.68]Yeah? Well, I say for a dollar, 你的是“PRADO”
  [03:76.76]I can buy a little Magic Marker and fix that. 买枝涂改笔,改一改就掂
  [03:78.60]I’ll take it. Twenty bucks? 我要一个,二十块?
  [03:80.60]Right back here. Here you go.
  [03:83.24]Two buckets of balls for the price of one at the Chelsea Piers today. 高球练习:两桶波,一桶价
  [04:24.04]- So where are we going to now? - I don’t know. 现在去哪里?  不知道
  [04:28.72]- Lady, lady, you’re a golfer? - I feel like I feel something. 在这里,我有种微妙的感觉
  [04:30.40]- Two for the price of one. - Right where I’m standing. Hey! Who are you?
  [04:31.32]你叫什么?  两桶波,一桶价
  [04:32.96]Can you believe that? Two bucket of-- Whoa! 平到你笑,不要搞
  [04:37.04]- Will you help me up, ma’am? Yeah, yeah, help me up. - Oh, my God. 扶我起来好吗?
  [04:40.52]- Are you okay? - Is the ball okay? 没跌伤吧?  我的波怎样?
  [04:44.12]- Yeah, the back of the head. Is that all right? - Oh, my. Goodness gracious. 波没跌坏吧?我没事,谢谢
  [04:49.72]- I’m all right. Can you get the flyers? - Here you go. 撞鬼 我没事,谢谢
  [04:54.84]- Taxi! - Sara!
  [04:58.60]They should make pills for this. 她应该服药
  [04:70.80]He’s gotta be here.
  [04:74.44]He’s got to be here. I can feel it. 他必定在这里
