新目标初中英语九年级--Unit 9(在线收听

Unit 9
[00:02.90]By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.
[00:08.78]SECTION A
[00:11.73]1a Listen and match the sentence parts
[00:52.38]2a Listen to Tina continue her story.Number the pictures[1-4]in the correct order.
[01:30.83]2b Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.
[01:37.18]Then listen again and check your answers.
[02:08.94]3a Read the story and write the events in the correct order.
[02:15.42]I've never been late for school,but yesterday I came very close.
[02:21.95]My alarm clock didn't go off,and by the time I woke up,
[02:28.01]my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out.
[02:34.85]I had to really rush.
[02:38.41]I took a quick shower,and had some breakfast,and then ran off to the bus stop.
[02:45.85]Unfortunately,by the time I got there,the bus had already left.
[02:52.51]I started walking,but I knew I couldn't get to school on time.
[02:58.68]Luckily,my friend Tony and his dad came by in his ded's car
[03:05.34]and they gave me a ride.
[03:08.58]When I got to school,the final bell was ringing.
[03:13.31]I only just made it to my class.
[03:17.67]SECTION B
[03:24.12]2a Dave,Nick,and Joe are talking about April Fool's Day.
[04:34.18]2b Listen again.Who says each of the phrases below?
[04:41.44]Write"D"for Dave,"N"for Nick,and"J"for Joe.
[05:48.60]3a Which of these stories is the most believable? Why?
[05:55.97]Which is the least believable?
[05:59.84]Why? Would you be fooled by any of the stories?
[06:05.58]In 1938,a radio program by actor Orson Welles announced
[06:12.43]that aliens from Mars had landed on the Earth.
[06:17.76]He descrided where they had landed
[06:21.62]and told how they were moving across the United Stares.
[06:27.47]Wesses was so convincing that hundreds of prople believed the story,
[06:33.64]and panic the whole country.
[06:38.29]By the time the authorities revealed that thestory was a hoax,
[06:43.75]thousands of people had fled from their homes.
[06:49.03]One April Fool's Day.
[06:52.97]a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti
[06:59.45]because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti.
[07:05.40]Many people ran to their local supernmarket to buy as much spaghetti as they could.
[07:13.06]By the time people realized that the story was a hoax.
[07:18.91]all of the spaghetti across the country had been bought.
[07:23.87]A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's Day.
[07:31.00]He asked her to marry him.
[07:34.48]she was thrilled,because she really wanted to get married.
[07:39.94]However,when she said"Yes",he replied"April Fool!"
[07:45.89]That little joke didn't have a very happy ending.
[07:50.65]The TV star lost both his girlfriend and his show.
[07:59.90]READ                Changing English
[08:06.37]Tody,one in four people,or a quarter of the world's population uses English,
[08:13.92]and as many as one billion people are learning it.
[08:18.49]The world's 375 million native speakers from Canada to New Zealand feel lucy.
[08:26.75]They already know the language everyone wants to learn.
[08:31.71]New types of English are common wherever English is spoken.
[08:37.04]Singaporeans speak Singlish,their mixture of Chinese and English.
[08:43.39]For example,to ask,Where are you going?
[08:48.07]they mix Exhlish words with Chinese grammar:You go where?
[08:54.23]In India,many people speak Hinglish,a mixture of Hindi and English.
[09:01.78]When you go to Egypt,people always say,"Welcome in Egypt."
[09:08.15]Even Egyptian English language teachers say this instead of"Welcome to Egypt."
[09:15.31]Why do they say this?It's an example of how English changes over time
[09:22.96]and from place to place.Using"in"after"welcome"is normal in Egypt,
[09:32.40]but it sounds strange to native English speakers.
[09:37.07]Languages are always changing.
[09:41.22]A hundred years ago,German was the most popular language for science.
[09:47.89]Scientists had to learn German to read the latest information in science books.
[09:54.55]But by 1950,American inventions and ideas had helped to make English more popular.
[10:02.88]Some language teachers believe that if China begins to develop important technologies
[10:09.93]such as new types of comprters
[10:14.01]then Chinese might become the language every scientist wants to learn.
[10:20.17]Already,many business people are learning Chinese to help them do business in China.
[10:27.93]Some native speakers may not like the changes to their language.
[10:33.21]It might be difficult to understand what new English speakers are saying.
[10:39.27]Native English speakers
[10:42.72]often have problems when they go to other English-speaking countries.
[10:48.59]In South Africa,for example,when you ask for street directions,you might hear,
[10:55.75]"Turn right at the next robot."
[10:59.20]What does this mean?Robot is the South African English word for traffic light.
[11:06.75]The South African dictionary has 10,000 words
[11:12.31]that are not found elsewhere in the world.
[11:16.68]Another thing native English speakers may not like is the competition for jobs.
[11:23.44]A person who speaks English as a second language has two very significant skills
[11:30.99]speaking English and speaking their own native language.
[11:36.63]When two people try for the same position,
[11:41.20]the one with two languages will often be the one who gets the job.
[11:47.37]Words and Expressions in Each Unit 9
[11:55.62]oversleep            bell                 ring                 go off
[11:59.75]v.睡过头,睡得过久    n.钟,铃              v.鸣,响              闹响
[12:03.88]rush                 run off              on time              give sb.a ride
[12:08.35]v.冲,奔              跑掉                 准时                 让某人搭便车
[12:12.81]lock                 break down           costume              show up
[12:16.90]v.锁                 损坏                 n.服装               出席
[12:20.99]exhausted            embarassed           empty                fool
[12:25.12]adj.极其疲惫的       adj.窘迫的           adj.空的,闲的        v.愚弄
[12:29.24]April Fool's Day     announce             describe             convince
[12:33.96]愚人节               v.宣布,通告          v.描述               v.使确信
[12:38.67]panic                set off              authority            reveal
[12:42.91]n.恐慌               激起                 n.权威机构           v.揭示
[12:47.14]hoax                 flee                 spaghetti            girlfriend
[12:52.13]n.骗局               v.逃跑               n.意大利式细面条     n.女朋友
[12:57.12]show                 marry                thrill
[13:00.09]n.演出               v.嫁,娶              v.使非常驻机构激动
[13:03.07]get married          reply                ending
[13:06.25]结婚                 v.回答               n.结局
[13:11.98]quarter              population           native               speaker
[13:16.02]n.四分之一           n.人口               adj.本国的           n.说话者
[13:20.05]wherever             Singaporean          India                Hindi
[13:24.43]adv.无论哪里         n.新加坡人           n.印度               n.印地语
[13:28.80]German               invention            business             light
[13:33.04]n.德语,德国人        n.发明,创造          n.生意               n.灯
[13:37.27]traffic light        significant          position
[13:40.65]交通信号灯           adj.重大的           n.位置
[13:44.03]control              intersection
[13:48.56]v.控制               n.交叉点
