听电影学英语-超完美男人 04(在线收听

  [00:01.24]Did it ever occur to you that the point of the meeting... 你有没有想过这次会议的要点不是...
  [00:02.00]wasn`t for the needs of the single parent? 讨论单亲家庭的需要?
  [00:04.92]That the point of the meeting was maybe for, l don`t know... 会议的重点可能是,我不知道...
  [00:08.88]the kids? Well, sure. 孩子们? 当然.
  [00:12.36]l was just thinking-- About you! 我当时只是想-- 你自己!
  [00:14.04]Because you`re always thinking about you. 因为你总是只想你自己。
  [00:22.40](door slamming) (门砰地关上)
  [00:25.96]Only this time, I can’t smile and play along. 只有这次,我不能笑着袖手旁观。
  [00:26.36]Because the truth is I’m tired... 因为事实上我已经厌倦了...
  [00:29.04]of bubble-wrap and change of address cards, of figuring out new towns... 被幻想包围,变换地址卡片, 熟悉新的城镇...
  [00:32.92]and finding new friends. 结交新的朋友。
  [00:35.84]It’s just not fun anymore. 这一点也不好玩。
  [00:39.48]It’s just not. 不好玩。
  [00:53.80](clearing throat) (清嗓子)
  [00:57.12]You know what the entire student body... 你知道全校学生整个早上...
  [00:58.60]is talking about this morning? 都在谈论什么吗?
  [01:01.88]The Krispy Kreme truck that got in a wreck on Eighth Avenue. 可里斯比·克林姆卡车在第八大街撞毁了。
  [01:05.76]There`s donuts everywhere. 散的到处都是。
  [01:08.92]lt`s a total free-for-all. 完全是免费的。
  [01:10.00]Between the excitement and the sugar buzz, everyone`s pretty much... 在一片兴奋和糖果堆里,人们早就忘记了...
  [01:13.08]forgotten everything that happened before 8:00 this morning. 今天早上8点之前发生的任何事情了。
  [01:24.60](Amy) lt could have been worse. (艾米) 本应该更糟的。
  [01:26.12](Holly) Don`t worry, it will be. (Holly) 别担心,马上就会了。
  [01:29.40]l mean, she starts out hopeful, and then when the perfect man... 她开始总是充满信心, 两个星期后,当完美男人不再...
  [01:32.80]doesn`t come around in two weeks, she gets desperate... 围着她打转时, 她会感到绝望...
  [01:34.08]and hooks up with some loser. 接着去勾搭一些失败者。
  [01:36.56]Some guy who`s not even good enough to mop her floors. 那些家伙甚至都不配给她拖地的。
  [01:37.72]And then, when it doesn`t work out, because it never works out... 然后,当一切都不起作用时, 因为从来就没有起作用过...
  [01:41.00]we pack up and move again, and there`s nothing l can do about it. 我们又得收拾行李,我却对此毫无办法。
  [01:44.00]l can`t even run away because that`s what she does. 我甚至都不能逃跑,因为这是她常做的事。
  [01:47.20]l thought you said you didn`t mind all the moving around. 我以为你说过你并不介意搬来搬去。
  [01:47.40]l didn`t. l mean, l don`t. l just got here. 我以前不介意. 我是说,我不会的,我只是在这儿。
  [01:59.72]The River Bistro. 河流小酒馆。
  [02:01.32]What are we doing here? 我们在这里干什么?
  [02:03.00]l can`t even afford to pee in a place like this. 我甚至都付不起在这里撒尿的钱。

  [02:04.96]Much less actually eat here. 比在这里吃饭要便宜的多。
  [02:07.96]Relax, it`s under control. 放松,一切尽在掌握。
  [02:09.96]My uncle`s the owner. 我叔叔是这里的老板。
  [02:11.24]Him? 是他?
  [02:14.24](Ben) You`ve got to be kidding. No, him. (本) 你一定在开玩笑。 不,是他。
  [02:15.52]No, you didn`t do that, did you? 不,你没有那么做吧,是吗?
  [02:19.48]Well, how long did you keep her waiting? 你让她在那里等了多久?
  [02:21.56]What? An hour? 什么?一个小时?
  [02:24.16]Of course she`s mad. 她当然会发疯的。
  [02:27.04]What? Hold on. 什么?等一下?
  [02:30.40]Hi, Holly. Nice to meet you. 嗨,郝莉, 很高兴见到你。
  [02:30.92]This is Holly. Hi. 这是郝莉。 嗨。
  [02:32.44]Why wouldn`t she be mad? 她为什么会没发疯?
  [02:33.88]Well, there`s only one thing you can do: flowers. 你只有一件事情可以做:送花。
  [02:37.68]And you can`t go cheap, either. Nope. 你还不能送廉价的。不。
  [02:42.08]A dozen, long-stemmed. 一打(12枝),长茎的。
  [02:43.52]He knows about females. 他了解女性。
  [02:45.52]He knows more about females than l know about females. 他比我更了解女性。
  [02:50.08]ln my opinion, roses always work, always. 我的意见是,玫瑰总是奏效的,总是。
  [02:54.20]He doesn`t actually believe that, does he? 他不是真的相信吧?
  [02:58.16]But who am l to know? 但是谁来告诉我?
  [02:59.48]Call me tomorrow and let me know how it worked out. Bye. 明天打电话给我,告诉我是怎么解决的。
  [03:04.32]Yes, l do believe that. Don`t you? 是的,我确实相信。 你不相信吗?
  [03:06.88]That flowers always work? Yeah. 送花总是奏效的? 对。
  [03:12.40]The flowers aren`t going to change anything. 送花什么也改变不了。
  [03:14.40]Flowers are just flowers, right? 花只是花,对吗?
  [03:15.44]Wow, your friend`s so cynical. 喔,你朋友真是愤世嫉俗。
  [03:18.16]Sounds like she`s not into romance. 听上去她不象是在恋爱中。
  [03:22.60]You know what? 你知道吗?
  [03:25.88]This is for you. Why? 这是给你的。 为什么?
  [03:29.96]Because a flower like this is perfect. 因为象这样一朵花是完美的。
  [03:31.76]And giving a woman a dozen of them, it`s like saying... 送给一位女士一打, 就好象在说...
  [03:33.44]there is such a thing as perfect. 她是如此的完美。
  [03:35.56]And it`s out there. 并且她并不属于那里。
  [03:37.40]Don`t give up. You`ll find it. 别放弃,你会找到的。
  [03:41.24]Really? 真的?
  [03:42.48]Actually a yellow rose is for your sick grandma. 实际上一朵黄玫瑰只适合你生病的祖母。
  [03:42.92]A yellow rose says all of that? 一朵黄玫瑰能告诉我们那些?
  [03:45.40](chuckles) For a woman, a red rose. (吃吃的笑声) 红色玫瑰适合女士。
  [03:46.76]But if you really want to knock her socks off, you give her an orchid. 不过你如果真的想征服她,你给她一枝兰花的。
  [03:51.04]Why? What do orchids say? 为什么?兰花代表什么?
  [03:54.92]You ever seen an orchid? 你见过兰花吗?

  [03:57.60]How it floats in the water, so delicate and beautiful? 当它漂浮在水面上会怎么样?多么精致,多么美丽。
  [04:01.56]When a woman gets an orchid... 当一位女士得到一枝兰花...
  [04:03.48]well, she feels like... 她会感到好象...
  [04:06.76]she`s floating on a cloud of infinite possibility. 她正漂浮在云端。
  [04:15.80](people chattering) (人们的说话声)
  [04:19.40]l swear l`ll pay you back. 我发誓会还钱给你的。
  [04:19.80]l still don`t get how flowers from you will fix things. 我还是不明白你送出的花能起什么作用。
  [04:23.12]And they`re not from me. They`re from her perfect man. 不是我送的,是一个完美男人送的。
  [04:23.84]Well, they`re not flowers, they`re orchids. 它们不是一般的花,它们是兰花。
  [04:26.72]Then let him pay. 那让他埋单。
  [04:28.12]l would, if he existed. 如果他存在的话,我会的。
  [04:30.24]l`m lost. 我糊涂了。
  [04:32.20]Do you remember what your uncle said? 你还记得你叔叔怎么说的吗?
  [04:32.88]An orchid will make my mom feel special. 一朵兰花会令我妈妈感觉特别。
  [04:36.48]Which will make her happy. And not so desperate. 会令她快乐,而不是如此孤注一掷的。
  [04:37.08]Which would make me happy, and then everybody wins. 然后我也会快乐的,最后大家都好过。
  [04:42.32](Amy) Holly? What? (艾米 ) 郝莉? 什么?
  [04:44.44]Are you sure this is a good idea? l`m sure. 你确定这是好注意吗? 我确定。
  [04:45.60]A few flowers never hurt anyone. 几朵花不会伤害任何人。
  [04:49.48]∮∮(pop music playing) ∮∮(播放流行音乐)
  [04:52.40](Jean) ``Annoying mammal.`` (简) ``讨厌的哺乳动物。``
  [04:54.28]Six letters. 6个字母。
  [04:58.12]Hey, Mom. Badger. 嘿,妈妈。 獾。
