听电影学英语-阿甘正传 21(在线收听

  [00:01.98]Well...I happen to believe you make your own destiny . 我相信你也把握了自己的命运
  [00:09.30]You have to do the best with what God gave you. 把神给你的恩赐发挥到极至
  [00:14.50]What’s my destiny, Mama? 我的命运是什么,妈?
  [00:19.18]You’re going to have to figure that out foryourself. 那要你自己去弄清楚
  [00:24.26]Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. 人生像一盒巧克力
  [00:27.26]You never know what you’re going to get. 你无法预知会吃到什么口味
  [00:30.26]Mama always hada way of explaining things 妈总是有办法比喻得让我明白
  [00:33.30]so I could understand them. 弗勒斯,我会想念你
  [00:35.30]I will miss you, Forrest.
  [00:39.10]She had got the cancer 她得了癌症,星期二死亡
  [00:42.46]and died on a Tuesday.
  [00:44.46]I bought her a new hat 我给她买了一顶有小花的帽子
  [00:46.14]with little flowers on it.
  [00:51.02]And that’s all I have to say about that. 这件事我说到此为止
  [01:00.94]Didn’t you say you were waiting for the number 7 bus? 你不是说要等七路车吗?
  [01:03.02]There’ll be another one along shortly. 下一班很快就会来
  [01:09.98]Now, because I had been a football star and war hero 因为我是足球明星 越战英雄…
  [01:12.98]and national celebrity and a shrimping boat captain 全国名人、捕虾船长…
  [01:15.98]and a college graduate, 大学毕业
  [01:19.02]the city fathers of Greenbow, Alabama, 格林鲍镇的领袖们决定…
  [01:20.02]decided to get together and offered me a finejob. 给我一个好差使
  [01:24.02]So I never went back to work for Lieutenant Dan, 于是我不必回去 跟丹中尉做事
  [01:29.46]though he did take care of my Bubba Gump money. 不过他很会理财
  [01:32.46]He got me invested in some kind of fruit company. 帮我投资在水果业
  [01:35.46]So then I got a call from him 他打电话来说不必再为钱操心
  [01:36.46]saying we don’t have to worry about money no more,
  [01:41.02]and I said, "That’s good. One less thing." 我说“很好,少了一个麻烦”
  [01:43.90]# I’ve got a new hope... ##
  [01:45.38]Now Mama said there’s only so much fortune 我妈说钱只要够用就好了
  [01:49.38]a man really needs,
  [01:50.18]and the rest is just for showing off. 多余的钱只是摆阔
  [01:55.06]So I gave a whole bunch of it 于是我奉献给四方福音教会
  [01:57.94]to the Four square Gospel Church...
  [01:59.30]and I gave a whole bunch to the Bayou La Batre Fishing Hospital... 捐赠给拉巴特渔民医院
  [02:07.46]and even though Bubba was dead 虽然巴布已死…
  [02:08.46]and Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts, 丹中尉说我很傻
  [02:13.50]I gave Bubba’s mama Bubba’s share. 因为我让巴布的母亲占股份
  [02:19.90]You know what? 你知道吗?
  [02:20.86]She didn’t have to work in nobody’s kitchen no more. 她不必再到厨房帮佣了
  [02:24.86]That smells wonderful. 好香!

  [02:26.54]And’cause I was a gozillionaire 因为我是亿万富翁
  [02:30.54]and Iliked doing it so much, 但我却喜欢做事 于是我免费割草
  [02:33.58]I cut that grass for free.
  [02:38.06]But at night time when there was nothing to do 到晚上没事可做
  [02:40.06]and the house was all empty, 屋里空荡荡时我总是想起珍妮
  [02:44.06]I’d always think of Jenny.
  [03:48.82]And then...she was there. 她忽然出现了!
  [04:26.58]Hello, Jenny . 珍妮!
  [04:27.10]Hello, Forrest. 弗勒斯!
  [04:39.78]Jenny came back and stayed with me. 珍妮回来跟我住
  [04:43.58]Maybe it was because she had no where else to go, 也许她是因为走投无路
  [04:48.22]or maybe it was because she was so tired 或许是太累了
  [04:52.94]’cause she went to bed and slept and slept 她倒头便睡好像几年没睡了
  [04:54.98]Iike she hadn’t slept in years.
  [04:58.18]It was wonderful having her home. 家里有了她真好!
