听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎 05(在线收听

  [00:08.14]Tier 3 north, clear count! 三北层到齐
  [00:12.06]Tier 2 north, clear count. 二南层到齐
  [00:12.42]Tier 3 south, clear. 三南层到齐
  [00:16.50]Tier 4 south, clear. 四南层到齐
  [00:17.18]Tier 1 south, clear. 一南层到齐
  [00:20.26]Prepare to roll out. 准备离房
  [00:25.94]Roll out! 出发
  [01:19.62]Are you going to eat that? 你要吃吗?
  [01:24.82]I hadn't planned on it. 无此打算
  [01:26.30]Do you mind? 给我好吗?
  [01:35.54]That's nice and ripe. 又肥又嫩
  [01:49.14]Jake says thank you. 小杰说谢谢你
  [01:53.42]Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. 他从巢中掉到地上
  [01:56.82]I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly. 我要养到他会飞
  [02:01.18]Oh, no! Here he comes. 讨厌  赫伍来了
  [02:08.42]Morning, fellas. 早安  伙计们
  [02:09.06]Fine morning, isn't it? 真是个美好早晨啊
  [02:12.14]You know why it's a fine morning, don't you? 你知道为何如此美好吗?
  [02:13.18]Send them down. I want them lined up 烟拿出来  就地排好
  [02:17.18]just like a pretty little chorus line. 像合唱队一样排整齐
  [02:19.86]Look at that. 看呀  真壮观
  [02:20.78]-I can't stand this guy.  -Oh, Lord! -真受不了他  -我的乖乖
  [02:24.14]Yes! Richmond, Virginia. 爽  正牌  烤烟
  [02:28.82]Smell my ass! 闻我的屁吧
  [02:29.10]After he smells mine. 闻完再闻我的
  [02:32.82]That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all. 瑞德  可惜你大大看走眼
  [02:36.46]But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though. 不过我真感谢我的猪公
  [02:39.58]I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him. 出院后我得亲亲他
  [02:43.26]Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck! 请他抽烟才对  小人得志
  [02:46.30]Hey, Tyrell. 泰瑞
  [02:47.90]You pull infirmary duty this week? 你在医务室值班吗?
  [02:50.66]How's my horse doing anyway? 那肥仔怎样了?
  [02:52.66]Dead. 挂了
  [02:54.54]Hadley busted his head up pretty good. 海利打烂他的头
  [02:58.14]Doc had gone home for the night. 医生已回家睡觉了
  [02:59.94]Poor bastard lay there till this morning. 他一直僵到天亮
  [03:03.82]By then, there wasn't nothing we could do. 根本无药可救
  [03:11.94]What was his name? 他叫什么名字?
  [03:15.62]What'd you say? 你说什么?
  [03:19.30]I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. 我想知道他的名字
  [03:22.58]What the fuck do you care, new fish? 关你屁事  菜鸟
  [03:25.66]Doesn't fucking matter what his name was. He's dead. 死人还要什么名字
  [03:51.42]Anybody come at you yet? 有人上过你了吗?
  [03:55.98]Anybody get to you yet? 你名草有主了吗?
  [03:57.98]Hey, we all need friends in here. 牢里人人需要朋友
  [04:03.34]I could be a friend to you. 我可以当你朋友
  [04:13.82]Hard to get. 不易上手
  [04:15.86]I like that. 我喜欢
  [04:25.62]Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. 起初安迪不与人来往
  [04:27.90]I guess he had a lot on his mind 大概心事重重
  [04:31.50]trying to adapt to life on the inside. 努力适应牢狱生活
  [04:33.78]Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth 直到一个月后
  [04:38.42]to say more than two words to somebody. 他才找人攀谈
  [04:40.70]As it turned out 那个人
  [04:42.82]that somebody was me. 就是我
  [04:55.42]I'm Andy Dufresne. 我叫安迪·杜弗伦
  [04:58.42]Wife-killing banker. 杀妻的银行家
