听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎 08(在线收听

  [00:03.42]I got to pay tax on the car. Repair 但买车要缴税
  [00:07.06]maintenance, kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time. 还要修理  保养  孩子吵着要兜风
  [00:10.94]Then if you figure your tax wrong, you pay out of your own pocket. 万一报错税  全得自付
  [00:14.42]I tell you! Uncle Sam! 告诉你  这就是政府
  [00:14.90]He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. 石头都榨得出血来
  [00:20.22]Andy 安迪
  [00:23.46]-Getting himself killed. -I Keep tarring. -他不想活了  -继续工作
  [00:24.06]Some brother. Shit! 什么哥哥  狗屁
  [00:32.94]Mr. Hadley 海利先生
  [00:36.02]do you trust your wife? 你信任老婆吗?
  [00:39.06]Oh, that's funny. 真好笑
  [00:41.06]You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth. 你没了牙吹我喇叭更好笑
  [00:43.38]What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? 她会扯你后腿吗?
  [00:46.26]Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having himself an accident. 够了  他活的不耐烦了
  [00:50.78]If you trust her, you can keep 她靠得住
  [00:51.70]He'll push him off! 他要推落安迪
  [00:53.02]that 35,000. 你就能领三万五
  [00:55.58]-What did you say?  -Thirty-five thousand. -你说什么?  -三万五
  [00:59.94]All of it. 全部领到
  [01:01.86]-Every penny.  -You better start making sense. -一个子儿也不少  -你最好别耍我
  [01:02.94]If you want to keep it,  give it to your wife. 想领全额  就赠与太太
  [01:07.10]The IRS allows a one-time-only gift to your spouse for up to $ 60,000. 国税局允许一生一次  最多六万的赠与免税
  [01:11.50]-Bullshit. Tax-free?  -Tax-free. -乖乖  免税吗?  -对
  [01:12.78]IRS can't touch one cent. 国税局征不到一文钱
  [01:16.26]You're that smart banker that killed his wife. 你是那杀妻的银行家?
  [01:18.06]Why should I believe you? So I can end up in here with you? 信任你难道不会害我坐牢?
  [01:23.34]It's legal. Ask the IRS. They'll say the same thing. 完全合法  你去问也一样
  [01:23.50]I feel stupid telling you this. I'm sure you would have investigated. 我不该开口的  我以为你会去问
  [01:28.58]I don't need you to tell me where the bear shit in the buckwheat. 我不用你教我这些鸟事
  [01:32.06]Of course not. But you do need someone to set it up for you. 没错  但你要找人填表
  [01:37.46]That'll cost you. A lawyer. 请律师可得花钱
  [01:38.54]A bunch of ball-washing bastards! 没卵的讼棍
  [01:46.18]You get the forms, I'll prepare them 你领表我来填
  [01:46.38]nearly free of charge. 完全免费
  [01:49.26]I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my coworkers. 只要请我同事一人三瓶啤酒
  [01:54.34]"Coworkers." That's rich! 同事?够新鲜的
  [01:57.82]A man working outdoors feels more like a man 做黑手的有酒喝
  [01:59.78]if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion 才有尊严  这是我的浅见
  [02:03.38]sir. 大人
  [02:08.14]What are you jimmies staring at? 看什么看  回去干活
  [02:10.66]Let's go! Work! 干活
  [02:22.14]And that's how it came to pass 于是呢
  [02:24.66]that on the second-to-last day of the job 在完工前一天
  [02:27.14]the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of '49 49年春的公差犯人
  [02:31.22]wound up sitting in a row at 10:00 in the morning 在早上十点坐成一堆
  [02:35.58]drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardest screw 喝着冰凉的啤酒  肖申克监狱
  [02:40.26]that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison. 历来最狠的狱官请的客
  [02:45.14]Drink up while it's cold, ladies. 娘儿们  趁凉快喝
  [02:47.30]The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous. 这王八蛋还装大方呢
  [02:52.10]We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. 阳光洒肩头  仿佛自由人
  [02:59.46]We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. 像在修缮自家屋顶
  [03:02.02]We were the lords of all creation. 我们像是造物之主般自在
  [03:03.62]As for Andy 安迪呢
  [03:07.98]he spent that break hunkered in the shade 他窝在凉荫下
  [03:10.30]a strange little smile on his face 脸上挂着奇异微笑
  [03:12.26]watching us drink his beer. 看着我们喝他的酒
  [03:19.70]Want a cold one? 来一瓶吧?
  [03:25.66]No, thanks. I gave up drinking. 谢谢  我戒酒了

  [03:32.26]You could argue he done it to curry favor with the guards. 你可说  他想拍狱方马屁
  [03:35.34]Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. 或想博取囚犯友谊
  [03:38.50]Me? 但我呢?
  [03:40.58]I think he did it just to feel normal again 认为他只想重温自由
  [03:44.54]if only for a short while. 即使只有一刹那
  [03:49.02]IKing me. 我当王
  [03:51.90]-Chess. Now there's a game of kings. -What? -下棋  是帝王游戏  -什么?
  [03:54.22]Civilized. Strategic. 讲文明  重谋略
  [03:57.82]And a total fucking mystery. I hate it. 神秘的要死  真讨厌
  [04:01.90]Let me teach you someday. 改天我教你吧
  [04:03.14]Sure. 好呀
  [04:06.02]We could get a board together. 我想买个棋盘
  [04:07.86]You're talking to the right man. I can get things, right? 你找对人了  我不论什么都弄得到
  [04:11.94]We might do business on a board, and I'll carve the pieces myself. 棋盘用买的  但棋子我来刻
  [04:13.78]One side in alabaster, one in soapstone. What do you think? 一半用雪花石膏  一半用皂石
  [04:20.38]I think it'll take years. 要刻上许多年
  [04:20.78]Years I got. What I don't have are the rocks. 时间有的是  就是缺石头
  [04:22.74]Pickings are pretty slim in the yard. 操场很贫瘠
  [04:25.42]Pebbles, mostly. 多半是石子
  [04:32.10]We're getting to be kind of friends, aren't we? 咱们算是朋友吧?
  [04:34.78]Yeah, I guess. 算是吧
  [04:37.58]Can I ask you something? 我想问你
  [04:40.62]Why'd you do it? 你为何杀人?
  [04:42.30]I'm innocent, Red. 我无罪
  [04:46.38]Just like everybody else here. 跟大家一样
  [04:50.86]What are you in for? 你呢?
  [04:55.94]Murder. Same as you. 跟你一样  杀人
  [04:59.42]Innocent? 无罪吗?
